IBEW Local 490
Powering New Hampshire families and businesses since 1938
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    Applications are closed for classes starting August 26th 2024

    Applications can still be filled out but they will be considered for next years class starting 8/26/2025

    If you are applying to our Apprenticeship and have already completed a full year or more of another apprenticeship program please contact the Training Director via email in addition to filling out this application with your school/work history, what year you would like to come in as. The email to contact is      Training.Director@IBEW490.org     Email Subject  "Experienced Apprentice"

    While applications are open all year we only take apprentices in for the school once a year for the upcoming school year. We are currently accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year as our 2024-2025 school year is full. Interviews and selection for the 2025-2026 school year are scheduled for June-July of 2025.

    Again, you can fill out an application and take the required aptitude test at any time, but you will not interview or be selected for our apprenticeship till the summer of 2025.

    If you do choose to fill out an application and take the aptitude test it does give you the opportunity to work for one of our contractors on a trial basis if the work demand is there. This is certainly a great way to get your foot in the door and gain an advantage for when you interview!!!

    Welcome to the IBEW Local 490 JATC

    The IBEW Local 490 JATC Training Program offers an apprenticeship that is designed to shape apprentices into well-rounded electricians, expert in the complete scope of their chosen field:

    Over the course of the Four-year Electrical Construction Program, apprentices undergo 8000 hours of on-the-job training with experienced journeypersons, plus 900 hours of intensive classroom instruction with qualified instructors. Through this rigorous training, Electrical Construction apprentices leave the program knowledgeable in the full scope of their field.

    How the apprenticeship program works

    As an apprentice electrician enrolled in the IBEW Local 490 JATC Training Program, you work during the day on actual job sites where experienced journeypersons teach you the trade. Mondays and Wednesdays from September through May you attend classes in our classrooms and laboratories of the IBEW Local 490 JATC Training Center. This apprenticeship system enables you to receive full-time pay while gaining the experience and skills necessary to succeed as an electrician.

    What do we require of you to apply?

    • Minimum age of 17 to apply 18 to begin work
    • Valid driver’s license
    • You must be a resident of New Hampshire or York County Maine.
    • Successful completion of an algebra class either in High school or a post-secondary program
    • Have possession of either a high school diploma or a GED certificate with scores
    • Receive a minimum score on our nationalized standard aptitude test
    • Be able to perform work required of an apprentice both mentally and physically
    • If you are currently in your senior year of high school you can apply and get accepted as long as you are graduating before the start of our August classes.

    What do we require from you to apply?

    • High School Diploma, GED certificate, HiSEt, 2-year college Associate degree or higher
    • Official school transcripts showing a completion of Algebra 1 with a “C” or better
    • Birth certificate
    • Driver’s license
    • DD 214 if prior military
    • Basic resume showing job history

    How does the application process work?

    • Applications are accepted year round. To get into a fall semester, applications must be in by the end of May prior to September of that year.
    • Applications must be filled out online.
    • All documentation must be received to complete the application and be elegible for the aptitude test.
    • All applicants will be scheduled to take National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee’s aptitude test administered by this JATC.
    • Applicants who receive an acceptable score on the aptitude test will be scheduled for an interview with our committee.
    • Applicants will be placed upon a rank list and selected in the order in which they are scored
    • Applicants will be selected into the program over the summer months
    • Post interview pre-employment applicants will be subject to an 8-panel drug screening

    If you are interested to begin the application process, please click the link to create your account, if you have any question please feel free to contact the Training Director at (603) 224-4239 EXT. 5.

    Click here to apply!

    IBEW LU 490 JATC will not discriminate against apprenticeship applicants or apprentices based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), sexual orientation, genetic information, or because they are an individual with a disability or a person 40-years old or older.

    IBEW LU 490 JATC will take affirmative action to provide equal opportunity in apprenticeship and will operate the apprenticeship program as required under Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 30.


    The electrical training ALLIANCE (previously called NJATC) was created over 70 years ago as a joint training program between the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) aimed at training the best electrical workers the industry has to offer. Today, the electrical training ALLIANCE has developed into the largest apprenticeship and training program of its kind, having trained over 350,000 apprentices to journeyman status through local affiliate programs.

    International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

    The IBEW represents approximately 775,000 active members and retirees who work in a wide variety of fields, including utilities, construction, telecommunications, broadcasting, manufacturing, railroads, and government.  The IBEW has members in both the United States and Canada and stands out among the American unions in the AFL-CIO because it is among the largest and has members in so many skilled occupations.

    As union members, we bargain collectively with our employers over wages, benefits, and rights.

    Most of us have very limited bargaining power as one person, but as a group, we are strong. And, with a good, negotiated contract, we have legal protections we would not have otherwise.


    The voice of the Electrical Construction Industry.

    NECA is the voice of the $171 billion electrical construction industry that brings power, light, and communication technology to buildings and communities across the U.S.

    NECA contractors are the technical professionals responsible for the most innovative and safest electrical construction in the U.S.

    Page Last Updated: Aug 12, 2024 (07:08:53)
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