IBEW Local 490
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  • IBEW Constitution




    as amended at the 39th IBEW Convention St. Louis, Missouri, September 2016



    900 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001


    International President........................................................... Lonnie R. Stephenson

    International Secretary-Treasurer........................................... Kenneth W. Cooper


    First District.......................................................................................... William F. Daniels

    1450 Meyerside Drive, Suite 300 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5T 2N5

    Second District.............................................................................. Michael P. Monahan

    2 Granite Avenue, Suite 170

    Milton, Massachusetts 02186

    Third District......................................................................................... Michael D. Welsh

    500 Cherrington Parkway, Suite 325

    Coraopolis, Pennsylvania 15108

    Fourth District.......................................................................................... Brian G. Malloy

    5100 Buckeystown Pike, Suite 255

    Frederick, Maryland 21704

    Fifth District............................................................................................. Joseph S. Davis

    100 Concourse Parkway, Suite 300

    Birmingham, Alabama 35244

    Sixth District...................................................................................... David J. Ruhmkor?

    8174 Cass Avenue

    Darien, Illinois 60561

    Seventh District.................................................................................... Steven M. Speer

    320 Westway Place, Suite 531

    Arlington, Texas 76018

    Eighth District.................................................................................................. Jerry Bellah

    305 S Union Avenue Pueblo, Colorado 81003

    Ninth District......................................................................................... John J. O’Rourke

    100 Bush Street, Suite 1950 San Francisco, California 94104

    Form 40 6/17                                                      (Listing continued on inside back cover)


    This organization shall be known as the


    with jurisdiction over all electrical workers in the United States and Canada.


    This Constitution, and all acts and proceedings, which in the future and in due course may be enacted, shall be binding on all local union o?cers and members.

    As amended at the 39th IBEW International Convention St. Louis, Missouri—September 2016

    © 2017 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers All rights reserved.

    “I.B.E.W.” and “International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers” are registered trademarks in the United States and Canada.


    Declaration of the


    Our cause is the cause of human justice, human rights, human security.

    We refuse, and will always refuse, to condone or tolerate dictatorship or oppression of any kind.

    We will find and expel from our midst any who might attempt to destroy, by subversion, all that we stand for.

    This Brotherhood will continue to oppose communism, Nazism or any other subversive “ism.” We will support our God, our Nations, our Union.




    1. Opening (See Ritual for Local Unions)
    2. Roll Call of O?cers and Reading of Minutes
    3. Communications and Bills
    4. Reports of Executive Board and O?cers
    5. Propositions for Membership
    6. Reports of Candidates
    7. Balloting or Voting for Candidates
    8. Obligation of Candidates (See Ritual for Local Unions)
    9. Reports of Delegates and Committees
    10. Reports of Accidents, Sickness, or Death of Members
    11. Roll Call of Members (This is optional with local unions.)
    12. Un?nished Business
    13. New Business (Under this heading come matters relating to any election and installation of o?cers.)
    14. Good of the Union
    15. Receipts and Expenses (See Constitution Article XVII)
    16. Closing (See Ritual for Local Unions)




    The objects of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers are:

    • To organize all workers in the entire electrical industry in the United States and Canada, including all those in public utilities and electrical manufacturing, into local unions,
    • To promote reasonable methods of work,
    • To cultivate feelings of friendship among those of our industry,
    • To settle all disputes between employers and employees by arbitration (if possible),
    • To assist each other in sickness or distress,
    • To secure employment,
    • To reduce the hours of daily labor,
    • To secure adequate pay for our work,
    • To seek a higher and higher standard of living,
    • To seek security for the individual,
    • And by legal and proper means to elevate the moral, intellectual and social conditions of our members, their families and dependents, in the interest of a higher standard of citizenship.



    Table of Contents

    Article                                                                               Page

    Ready Reference (for Monthly Per Capita

    Tax Payments)                                                           vi

    I Name and Constitution............................................. 1

    1. International Convention.......................................... 2
    2. International O?cers................................................ 8
    3. International President........................................... 16
    4. Imperative Mandate............................................... 20
    5. International Secretary-Treasurer.......................... 21
    6. International Vice Presidents................................. 22
    7. International Executive Council........................... 24
    8. Division of Funds and Per Capita Tax.................. 26
    9. Legal Defense......................................................... 27
    10. Pension Bene?t Fund............................................. 27
    11. Payments to International Secretary-Treasurer..... 36
    12. Local Union Charters............................................. 39
    13. Railroad System Council Charters........................ 41
    14. Rules for Local Unions.......................................... 44
    15. O?cers of Local Unions....................................... 52
    16. Duties of Local Union O?cers............................. 57
    17. Dues–Assessments–Funds..................................... 65
    18. Quali?cations of Members.................................... 66
    19. Admission of Members.......................................... 66
    20. Members in Arrears................................................ 69
    21. Reinstatement of Members.................................... 70
    22. Traveling Cards...................................................... 71
    23. Withdrawal Cards—

    Participating and Honorary.................................... 75

    1. Misconduct, O?enses, and Penalties.................... 77
    2. Jurisdiction.............................................................. 84
    3. Amendments to this Constitution.......................... 91

    Index........................................................................ 95




    Monthly per capita tax payments to the International O?ce and payments to the IBEW Pension Bene?t Fund through local unions (or to the International Secretary-Treasurer by “A” members holding Participating Withdrawal Cards):

    E?ective January 1, 2017

    “A” Members                                      “BA” Members

    $18.00 Monthly Per Capita Tax              $18.00 Monthly Per

    $18.00 Monthly PBF Contribution         Capita Tax

    $36.00 Monthly Total

    E?ective January 1, 2018

    “A” Members                                      “BA” Members

    $19.00 Monthly Per Capita Tax              $19.00 Monthly Per

    $18.00 Monthly PBF Contribution         Capita Tax

    $37.00 Monthly Total

    E?ective January 1, 2019

    “A” Members                                      “BA” Members

    $19.00 Monthly Per Capita Tax          $19.00 Monthly Per

    $19.00 Monthly PBF Contribution     Capita Tax

    $38.00 Monthly Total



    E?ective January 1, 2020

    “A” Members                                      “BA” Members

    $20.00 Monthly Per Capita Tax              $20.00 Monthly Per

    $19.00 Monthly PBF Contribution         Capita Tax

    $39.00 Monthly Total

    E?ective January 1, 2021

    “A” Members                                      “BA” Members

    $20.00 Monthly Per Capita Tax              $20.00 Monthly Per

    $19.00 Monthly PBF Contribution         Capita Tax

    $39.00 Monthly Total

    Reinstatement fees are required of all members who fall three (3) or more months in arrears. Reinstatement fees for “A” members are $30.00 (which include $5.00 to the local union, $5.00 to the International O?ce, and $20.00 to the IBEW Pension Bene?t Fund), while reinstatement fees for “BA” members are $3.00 (which include $1.50 to the local union and $1.50 to the International O?ce).






    Sec. 1. This organization shall be known as the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, with jurisdiction over all electrical workers in the United States and Canada as de?ned in Article XXVI of this Constitution, including all workers in public utilities and electrical manufacturing plants, and shall consist of an unlimited number of local unions acknowledg- ing its jurisdiction and subject to its laws and usages, and it shall not be dissolved while there are ?ve (5) dissenting local unions.

    Sec. 2. This organization, in the merging together of all electrical workers in the United States and in Canada, fully recognizes the sovereignty of each of our great nations and the advancement of industry compatible with the laws of each country and the objects of this Constitution.

    Sec. 3. This Constitution, and all acts and proceedings which, in the future and in due course may be enacted, shall be absolutely binding on all L.U. o?cers and members. The initials “L.U.” as used throughout this Constitution shall in- clude Railroad System Councils, System Councils, and other subordinate bodies where applicable.

    Sec. 4. The following abbreviations, when used herein, and in reports and other documents, shall mean:

    I.B.E.W.—International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers I.E.C.—International Executive Council I.P.—International President

    I.V.P.—International Vice President I.S.T.—International Secretary-Treasurer I.R.—International Representative I.C.—International Convention

    1                                       ART. 1


    I.O.—International O?ce L.U.—Local Union R.S.—Recording Secretary F.S.—Financial Secretary

    Sec. 5. Words used in this Constitution in the masculine gender shall include the feminine.


    Sec. 1. The I.B.E.W. shall meet in regular convention every ?ve (5) years on the third Monday in September, at such place as shall be decided upon by the I.E.C.

    Sec. 2. The I.E.C. has the power to change the date on which an I.C. is to convene, but any change made shall not be for more than ninety (90) days before or after the original date ?xed.

    Sec. 3. Upon petition ?led with the I.S.T. by any twenty-eight (28) L.U.’s in good standing—not more than four (4) L.U.’s from any one I.E.C. district—the question of holding a special I.C. shall be submitted to a referendum; but petitions for a vote must specify the place, time, and date at which this special I.C. is proposed to be held, and the questions must be speci?ed by each of the twenty-eight

    (28) L.U.’s in good standing before any referendum shall be taken. No special I.C. shall be called except in this manner.

    The result of the referendum shall be published in full in the I.B.E.W.’s o?cial monthly publication. If a majority vote in favor of a special I.C., the I.S.T. shall issue the call.

    Sec. 4. The I.P. shall appoint the following committees consisting of eleven (11) delegates elected to the I.C., one

    ART. 2                                        2


    from each I.V.P. district. The I.P. shall appoint one of the committee members as chairman and one as secretary:

    1. I.P.’s Report
    2. I.S.T.’s Report
    3. I.E.C.’s Report
    4. Law
    5. Resolutions
    6. Appeals
    7. Any special committees deemed necessary

    These committees shall meet prior to the opening of the

    I.C. The compensation of members of these committees shall be ?fty dollars ($50.00) per day and reimbursement for actual expenses. This shall cease the day the I.C. opens.

    Sec. 5. The I.S.T. prior to the I.C. shall deposit su?cient funds in the convention city to be used to defray expenses of the I.C.

    Sec. 6. A quorum for the transaction of business shall con- sist of one-third (1/3) of the delegates seated. Immediately after the I.C. is opened, the I.E.C. shall report on credentials and rules. The order of business of the I.C. shall proceed in accordance with the rules adopted by the I.C. The business of the I.C. shall include the following:

    1. Call to Order
    2. Presentation of Credentials
    3. Report on Credentials and Rules
    4. Appointment of Committees
    5. Communications and Bills
    6. Amendments and Resolutions
    7. Reports of Committees

    3                                       ART. 2

    1. Un?nished Business
    2. Nomination and Election of O?cers
    3. New Business
    4. Adjournment

    Sec. 7. No L.U. shall be entitled to representation at an

    I.C. if it has an indebtedness to the International Union for per capita tax payments and unless its per capita tax to the International Union has been paid on its membership through the month of July prior to the ?rst of the month in which the

    I.C. is held.

    Sec. 8. The basis of representation at the I.C. shall be as follows:

    Each L.U. shall be entitled to a per capita vote on “A” and “BA” members based upon the average monthly number of members in good standing on which per capita tax is paid to the International Union during the twelve (12) month period ending on March 31 in the year in which the I.C. is held. Where the L.U. has been a?liated with the International Union for less than twelve (12) months, the average shall be computed from the month of a?liation.

    Each L.U. shall be entitled to the following:

    1. One (1) delegate for the ?rst 250 members, one (1) delegate for each additional 250 members or majority fraction thereof:

    ART. 2                                        4



    Number of Delegates

    Up to 375


    376 to 625


    626 to 875


    876 to 1,125


    1,126 to 1,375


    1,376 to 1,625


    1. One more delegate for each additional 500 members:


    Number of Delegates

    1,626 to 2,125


    2,126 to 2,625


    2,626 to 3,100


    1. One more delegate for each additional 3,000 members—maximum 15 delegates:


    Number of Delegates

    3,101 to 6,000


    6,001 to 9,000


    9,001 to 12,000


    12,001 to 15,000


    15,001 to 18,000


    18,001 and over


    Delegates representing only “BA” membership shall not be entitled to discuss, or vote on, matters a?ecting Article XI.

    Sec. 9. For transportation, sleeping, and living expenses en route to and while attending the I.C., the I.S.T. will pay each delegate a sum equal to ninety cents (90¢) a mile, one way, by the shortest practical route.

    Each delegate remaining until the close of the I.C. shall be reimbursed for expenses in the amount of one thousand

    5                                       ART. 2


    dollars ($1,000.00). L.U.’s may pay their delegates additional sums.

    Sec. 10. No member shall be nominated as a delegate or alternate unless he is present or signi?es his willingness in writing, nor shall he be eligible to be a delegate or an alter- nate unless in continuous good standing in his L.U. at least twenty-four (24) months immediately prior to nomination, provided his L.U. has been in existence that long. However, no such member shall be disquali?ed because his L.U. has been merged or amalgamated with another L.U. or L.U.’s. When it is impracticable or impossible for a L.U. to elect a delegate or alternate with the required standing, the I.P. may grant special dispensation.

    The two (2) year membership requirement shall not be applicable to members of L.U.’s a?liated with System Councils who are employed by a single employer and who transfer between L.U.’s within a System Council, provided, however, that any such member must have been a member in continuous good standing for two (2) years in at least one of the L.U.’s a?liated with the System Council involved.

    Where the L.U. bylaws specify, prior to election to a particular elective o?ce, that one of the functions of said elective o?ce shall include service as a delegate to the I.C. or other body, a special election of the o?cer holding such o?ce to be a delegate is not necessary. In the event a va- cancy should occur in the said elective o?ce and it is ?lled pursuant to Article XVI, Section 16, prior to May in the con- vention year, the L.U. shall elect a replacement delegate. The person appointed to ?ll the particular elective o?ce shall be a candidate for election as a delegate. If, however, the va- cancy is ?lled between May in the convention year and the

    ART. 2                                        6


    holding of the I.C., the person appointed to the vacancy in the elective o?ce shall serve as a delegate, except that, as provided by law, such delegate may not vote in any election for International O?cers.

    Delegates and alternates shall be elected by secret ballot. Members in good standing in the L.U. shall be given at least ?fteen (15) days notice of the time, place, and manner of making nominations and of the election, and may participate therein, except for those who may be expressly prohibited by approved provision of the L.U. bylaws. The election of delegates and alternates shall be decided by those receiving the most votes and ballots, and records of the election shall be retained for one (1) year.

    If, between the election and the I.C., an elected delegate should resign or otherwise be unable to attend the I.C., then the alternate delegate with the highest number of votes in the election shall take his place as a delegate. Should a second elected delegate resign or otherwise be unable to attend the I.C., then the alternate delegate with the next highest number of votes in the election shall take his place as a delegate, and so forth.

    In the event there are no other elected alternates, the Executive Board shall appoint such delegates, provided, however, that appointed delegates may not, as provided by law, vote in any election for International O?cers.

    Sec. 11. Credentials of the delegate and alternate shall be in the hands of the I.S.T. or in the mail at least sixty (60) days prior to the I.C. Failing to comply with this, the delegate or alternate shall receive no mileage or other payments. (The Credentials Committee shall pass upon whether such dele- gate or alternate shall be seated.)

    7                                       ART. 2


    Sec. 12. Any International or L.U. O?cer, or any member, who willfully commits fraud in connection with obtaining or furnishing credentials for delegates to the I.C.—or who is connected with any fraud in voting during the I.C.—shall be tried by the I.E.C. The I.E.C. shall render a decision and decide the penalty.

    Sec. 13. The I.P. shall nominate, and the I.C. shall elect, two

    (2) delegates to conventions of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations; two (2) del- egates to the Building and Construction Trades Department; two (2) delegates to the Metal Trades Department; one (1) delegate to the Union Label and Service Trades Department; one (1) delegate to the Maritime Trades Department; and two (2) delegates to the Canadian Labour Congress. Each of these delegates shall be the business manager or principal of- ?cer of his L.U. If the delegate’s status as business manager or principal o?cer changes, he shall resign and the I.P. shall appoint a replacement delegate.

    The I.P. shall appoint all other delegates to any conven- tions at which the I.B.E.W. is entitled to representation. He may appoint a substitute for any delegate who does not de- sire, or is unable, to attend any convention to which he is elected. All such delegates shall serve a term of ?ve (5) years and be compensated at ?fty dollars ($50.00) a day for time spent in attending, and traveling to and from the convention, and be reimbursed for actual expenses.


    Sec. 1. The o?cers of the I.B.E.W. shall be the International President, International Secretary-Treasurer, eleven (11)

    ART. 3                                        8


    International Vice Presidents, International Executive Council Chairman and eight (8) International Executive Council members. The o?cers shall be nominated and elect- ed, by duly elected delegates, at the International Convention. They shall assume o?ce thirty (30) days after their election, and shall serve for ?ve (5) years or until their successors are elected and quali?ed.

    Sec. 2. No one shall be eligible as an o?cer except a mem- ber having ?ve (5) years continuous good standing in the

    I.B.E.W. immediately prior to nomination.

    Sec. 3. The elections of the International President, Inter- national Secretary-Treasurer, and International Executive Council Chairman shall be by secret ballot, per capita vote when there is more than one candidate, and shall require a majority of all votes cast to constitute an election. When there are more than two candidates for the same o?ce, at every unsuccessful balloting the one receiving the lowest number of votes shall be dropped, the voting then to continue until one has received a majority over all.

    However, the choice for International Vice Presidents and the International Executive Council (except I.E.C. Chairman) shall be recommended to the I.C. by each district. The I.C. shall adopt the district’s recommendation as its own action, by the I.S.T. casting one (1) ballot for the district’s choice. The choice of each district shall be decided by a majority of the L.U.’s of the district represented at the I.C.—and present and voting at the time the choice is made—on the basis of one (1) vote for each L.U., by secret ballot, not by a delegate or per capita vote. If the district is unable to determine its choice, then the I.C. shall decide any contest by a roll call, per capita vote.

    9                                       ART. 3


    The vote of each L.U. shall be decided by a majority of its delegates. If the delegates of a L.U. are equally divided, then the L.U. shall have no vote. When there are more than two (2) candidates for the same o?ce in the district, and no candidate receives a majority on the ?rst ballot, there shall be a run-o? election between the two (2) candidates receiving the highest number of votes.

    (Nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to con?ict with the above section.)

    Sec. 4. At all elections when it becomes necessary to have an electronic, secret ballot vote, the presiding o?cer shall appoint an election judge and, if necessary, tellers. He shall announce the names of the candidates in rotation. Each can- didate may be present or be represented by a member during the vote tally. All election records shall be preserved for a period of one (1) year.

    Sec. 5. The o?cers shall attend the I.C. and all their ex- penses shall be paid out of the General Fund. They shall have voice but no vote, and no o?cer shall be eligible to represent his L.U. as a delegate. The o?cers, except I.V.P.’s, shall have their reports printed and ready for distribution to the dele- gates when the I.C. is organized.

    Sec. 6. Each o?cer elected shall sign and ?le in the I.O. the following pledge and oath of o?ce:

    “I,  ( name) , do hereby solemnly pledge on my honor, that I will faithfully discharge my duties as an o?cer of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. I will sup- port by every means within my power its Constitution, and I will enforce it to the best of my ability. At the expiration of my term of o?ce, I shall deliver to my successor all books,

    ART. 3                                      10


    papers, money, and other property in my possession belong- ing to the I.B.E.W. or its L.U.’s; and I shall not be relieved from any bond or obligation unless and until I comply with this law.”

    (Signed)                                     (Witness)                                

    Sec. 7. All o?cers at the expiration of their term shall de- liver to their successors all books, papers, money, and other property in their possession, belonging to the I.B.E.W. or its L.U.’s, and shall not be relieved from their bonds or obliga- tions until this law is complied with.

    Compensation and Bene?ts

    Sec. 8. Salaries of the International President, International Secretary-Treasurer, International Vice Presidents, I.E.C. Chairman, I.E.C. Members, Executive Assistants, Directors, and Senior International Representatives shall be increased annually on October 1. The increase shall be equal to the combined average of the percentage increases negotiat- ed and approved for the members of the Construction, Manufacturing, Telephone, and Utility branches of the

    I.B.E.W. for the twelve (12) month period ending August 31 of each year.

    All such o?cers and representatives shall be reimbursed for actual expenses when away from home on business of the I.B.E.W. in accordance with rules promulgated by the I.P.

    Sec. 9. The services of the I.E.C. Chairman shall be avail- able to the I.B.E.W. in an advisory capacity and for ful?lling other assignments in the interests of the I.B.E.W.

    11                                      ART. 3


    Sec. 10. Members employed by the I.B.E.W., as o?cers or in any other capacity, who become permanently disabled while so engaged, shall receive $500 a month while inca- pacitated. The period of incapacitation shall not be deducted from his service record.

    Sec. 11. (a) Members in the I.B.E.W. service, employed by it as o?cers, representatives, or assistants, who have attained the age of sixty-two (62) and have ten (10) or more years service, shall, upon request of the individual, be retired by the I.E.C. The annual rate of compensation payable upon re- tirement shall be three and three-quarters percent (3.75%) of the average annual salary for the three (3) years during which the highest salary was payable to the individual, multiplied by the number of years of service, not to exceed twenty (20) years, plus one percent (1%) of such average salary, multi- plied by the additional number of years of service in excess of twenty (20) years, not to exceed ?ve (5) additional years. This retirement compensation shall be payable monthly.

    1. O?cers, representatives, or assistants who have at- tained the age of ?fty-?ve (55) and have ?fteen (15) or more years service, shall, upon request of the individual, be retired by the I.E.C. and shall receive retirement compensation on the same basis as provided in Subsection (a) above.
    2. O?cers, representatives, or assistants who become permanently disabled while employed by the I.B.E.W. shall receive retirement compensation on the same basis as pro- vided in Subsection (a) of this section, or as provided in Article III, Section 10, while incapacitated.
    3. Any o?cer, representative, or assistant who leaves

    I.B.E.W. service after completing ?ve (5) or more years

    ART. 3                                      12


    of service before becoming eligible for retirement under Subsection (a) above may elect either to have his contri- butions returned to him or to be granted a vested right to retirement compensation, which will entitle him to receive, commencing at age sixty-?ve (65), retirement compensation on the same basis as provided in Subsection (a) above.

    1. In lieu of the payment of retirement compensation on the basis outlined in Subsections (a), (b), and (d), an o?cer, rep- resentative, or assistant may elect immediate payment of his pension in reduced pension on a joint and survivor basis with payments continuing to his surviving spouse. In each such case, the reduced amount of retirement compensation pay- able under such election shall be actuarially equivalent to the retirement compensation otherwise payable. To be e?ective, all such elections shall conform to the rules and regulations adopted for such purpose by the I.E.C. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to those o?cers, representatives, or assistants who retired on or before September 14, 1962.
    2. In the event of the death of an o?cer, representative, assistant, or spouse, any unused portion of his ?ve-percent (5%) contribution that was previously required shall be pay- able in a lump sum to the designated bene?ciary.

    In the event of the death of both—the o?cer, representa- tive, or assistant and his spouse—any unused portion of the ?ve-percent (5%) contribution that was previously required shall be payable in a lump sum to his bene?ciary.

    1. The I.E.C. shall enter into a trust agreement with a re- liable and long-established trust company to act as trustee in the handling and disbursement of the retirement pay.
    2. The I.S.T. shall turn over to such trust company from the General Fund the amount necessary to assure that each

    13                                      ART. 3


    eligible o?cer, representative, or assistant shall receive his retirement pay when due.

    1. The I.E.C. is authorized to make such changes or amendments necessary to qualify this plan under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
    2. Any employee of the I.B.E.W. not covered by Section 11, Subsections (a) through (i), shall be covered by a retire- ment plan, the provisions of which shall be established by the I.B.E.W., consistent with legal requirements including, where applicable, the duty to bargain in good faith with a recognized collective bargaining representative.
    3. The I.B.E.W. shall enter into a trust agreement with a reliable and long-established trust company to act as trustee in the handling and disbursement of the retirement pay of employees covered by Subsection (j).
    4. The I.S.T. shall turn over to such trust company from the General Fund the amount necessary to assure that each eligible employee covered by Subsection (j) hereof shall re- ceive his or her retirement pay when due.
    5. Anyone receiving such compensation must observe this Constitution and the principles it sets forth and shall do nothing directly or indirectly to injure the I.B.E.W. or its members.
    6. The I.E.C. is authorized to make such changes or amendments necessary to qualify this plan under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
    7. Insofar as Canadian o?cers and employees of the

    I.B.E.W. are concerned, the I.E.C. is authorized to make such changes and amendments in the Pension Plan as it deems

    ART. 3                                      14


    appropriate and necessary to provide the minimum bene?ts required by applicable dominion or provincial laws.

    1. The I.E.C. is authorized to e?ect such changes and amendments in bene?ts by rules and regulations.
    2. The I.E.C. is empowered to establish such rules and regulations as it deems appropriate and to modify same for the e?ectuation and administration of the provisions of this article. With respect to the plan for employees not covered by Section 11, Subsections (a) through (i), this power shall be exercised consistent with the provisions of Subsection

    (j). The I.E.C. is further authorized to make de?nitions of terms used in this article and to make interpretations of these constitutional provisions and its rules and regulations, which shall be ?nal and binding. The decisions of the I.E.C. on all questions arising hereunder, including cases of eligibility for and computation of the amount of bene?ts, shall be ?nal and binding.

    1. In no event shall any o?cer, representative, or assis- tant or any other employee of the I.B.E.W. who retires under Article III, Section 11, be paid a monthly pension bene?t (as determined before any reduction required by the election of option under Subsection (e)) that is less than he would have received under Section 11 of the Constitution prior to September 30, 1974. The amount paid o?cers, repre- sentatives, or assistants prior to September 30, 1974, shall remain unchanged.
    2. Notwithstanding any language to the contrary in this Section 11, the International President shall have full author- ity and discretion to decide on compensation, retirement, and bene?t coverage of organizers who are employed by the I.B.E.W.

    15                                      ART. 3


    Sec. 12. No candidate (including a prospective candidate) for International O?ce, and no supporter of a candidate for International O?ce, may solicit or accept ?nancial support or any other direct or indirect support of any kind (except an individual’s own volunteered personal time) from any non- member of the I.B.E.W. or from any foundation, corporation, or other entity whose funds are derived in whole or in part from any person not a member of the I.B.E.W. This rule does not apply to the ?nancing of litigation concerning the legal rights of candidates or other members in connection with elections for International O?ce.

    The I.E.C. shall adopt such regulations as are necessary to implement this provision. The regulations shall provide for the maintenance of such records and the ?ling of such reports, by candidates and their supporters, as may be neces- sary for the administration and enforcement of this section.


    Sec. 1. The I.P. shall be bonded in the minimum amount of $500,000 for the faithful performance of his duties. Should the amount being handled at any time exceed the amount of his bond, he and the I.E.C. shall have the bond increased accordingly. He shall preside at all sessions of the

    I.C. When unable to preside, he shall select someone else to do so. He shall perform such other duties as are outlined in this Constitution and are necessary to protect and advance the I.B.E.W.

    Sec. 2. The I.P. shall see that all other o?cers perform their duties. In case of non-performance of duties or disability or incompetence of any I.V.P., any member of the I.E.C., or the

    ART. 4                                      16


    I.S.T., the I.P. has the power to remove such o?cer, with such removed o?cer having the right of appeal to the I.E.C.

    He shall ?ll all vacancies, including those on the I.E.C., by appointment. Such appointments must be approved by the I.E.C.

    Sec. 3. The I.P. is empowered as follows:

    1. To call a meeting of the I.E.C. whenever in his judg- ment such a meeting is necessary.
    2. To decide all questions of law, dispute, or questions in controversy, however arising, all his decisions being subject to appeal, including policy decisions, ?rst to the I.E.C. and then the I.C. (Notice in writing of appeal from any decision of the I.P. must be ?led with the I.S.T. and I.P. within thirty

    (30) days from the date of such decision.)

    1. To establish such departments in the organization or in the I.O. as in his judgment are necessary to protect or ad- vance the interests or to meet the needs of the I.B.E.W.
    2. To employ International Representatives who shall be reimbursed for actual expenses while away from home, and to employ such assistants as, in his judgment, are necessary to carry on the work of the organization, and to decide the compensation to be paid, except as provided elsewhere in this Constitution.

    All representatives and assistants shall work under the di- rection of the I.P., and he has the power to discharge them.

    1. To employ an attorney or attorneys to act as counsel and give any other legal assistance as he deems necessary.
    2. To authorize in writing any I.V.P. to audit the books and records of any L.U. in his district or to engage an accountant

    17                                      ART. 4


    for the purpose, whenever he deems such action necessary for the protection of the L.U. and its members.

    1. To prefer charges through the I.E.C. against any mem- ber who, in his judgment, is violating the Constitution or working against the welfare of the I.B.E.W. Any member against whom charges are preferred shall be so noti?ed by the I.P. in writing, and said member shall have the right to appear before the I.E.C. in his own defense.
    2. Either to suspend or revoke the charter of any L.U. or have the I.S.T. reject the per capita tax from any L.U. that fails or refuses to observe the laws and rules of the I.B.E.W.
    3. To take charge of, i.e., impose a trusteeship on, the a?airs of any L.U. when in his judgment such is necessary to protect or advance the interests of its members and the I.B.E.W., but for a period not to exceed six (6) months. If the I.P. or his representative cannot or has not adjusted the a?airs of the L.U. involved at the end of this period, then he shall refer the entire case to the I.E.C., which shall render a decision at its next regular meeting, which decision may include the continuation of the International Charge. A hear- ing to determine whether a trusteeship should be imposed or continued shall be held before the I.P. or his designee. If, in the I.P.’s judgment, circumstances do not permit the hear- ing to be conducted prior to making the International Charge e?ective, including in emergency situations, the hearing should be held within a reasonable time after the e?ective date of the International Charge. The I.P. or his designee may suspend any o?cer of the L.U. while the L.U. remains under International Charge and may suspend any local o?cer or member who o?ers interference in such cases.

    ART. 4                                      18


    No ?nancial obligation or liability of the L.U. incurred prior to or during the course of the trusteeship shall be as- sumed by, or become an obligation of, the I.B.E.W. without the written consent of the I.P.

    1. To remove or suspend any o?cer, representative, ap- pointee, or agent of a L.U. or System Council for incom- petence; or for nonperformance of duties; or for failure to carry out the provisions of this Constitution and the rules herein; or the bylaws and agreements of the L.U. or System Council; or for putting into e?ect or allowing to be put into e?ect any practice, rule, agreement, bylaw, or policy not hav- ing approval of the I.P.; or for failure to observe or carry out instructions or decisions of the I.P. When the I.P. removes or suspends any o?cer, representative, appointee, or agent of a

    L.U. or System Council, then he can ?ll any such o?ce or position by appointment of others.

    1. To appoint, if he so decides, a referee who may or may not be a member to take testimony and report to him.
    2. To enter into, or authorize an I.V.P., representative, or assistant to enter into, agreements with any national or inter- national labor organization or association of employers, or with any company, corporation, or ?rm doing any interstate or interprovincial business in electrical work, to cover the entire jurisdiction of the I.B.E.W.
    3. The I.P. or his representatives shall not enter into agreements a?ecting wages, hours, and conditions of em- ployment where an L.U. agreement covering such employ- ment already exists, without ?rst notifying at least thirty (30) days in advance of such agreements the L.U.’s so concerned or a?ected in a district, and then only by procuring consent

    19                                      ART. 4


    of a majority of the L.U.’s in the district or the individual

    L.U. a?ected by such agreement.

    • To edit and publish the I.B.E.W.’s o?cial monthly publication and to conduct it as a technical, economic, and trade union publication; to use its obituary section for mem- bers only; and at his discretion to publish communications in accordance with policy.
    • To develop an appropriate I.B.E.W. Honorary Member- ship Card, which may be issued to persons outside of the regular membership who have contributed to the welfare of the I.B.E.W.

    Sec. 4. The I.P. can, in any situation, delegate the pow- ers of his o?ce to an International Representative, Vice President, or Assistant.

    Sec. 5. Nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to con?ict with any of the provisions of this article.

    ARTICLE V                        IMPERATIVE MANDATE

    Sec. 1. If at any time charges are ?led against the I.P. and such are forwarded to the I.S.T. with the signatures of the

    L.U. president and secretary, and under the seal of ?ve (5) percent of the L.U.’s comprising the I.B.E.W., the I.S.T. shall immediately furnish a copy of such charges to the I.P. He shall answer them within ten (10) days. The I.S.T. on receiv- ing the answer of the I.P., shall mail a copy of the charges together with the answer of the I.P. to every L.U. and shall enclose a blank ballot calling for a referendum vote on the question: “Shall the I.P. be upheld?”

    The R.S. of each L.U. shall forward the result to the I.S.T. within sixty (60) days from the date the ballots are mailed.

    ART. 5                                      20


    The votes shall be published in full in the I.B.E.W.’s o?cial monthly publication. The ballots shall be enclosed in a sealed package and entrusted to the I.S.T. to be delivered to the next

    I.C. If a majority vote not to uphold the I.P., the charges are thereby upheld; and the I.E.C. shall then declare the o?ce vacant and elect his successor.

    ARTICLE VI                                 INTERNATIONAL SECRETARY-TREASURER

    Sec. 1. The duties of the I.S.T. shall be:

    1. To keep correct records of the proceedings of the I.C. and preserve all important papers of I.B.E.W. business; to deposit all funds in a bank or banks approved by the I.E.C. in the name of the I.B.E.W. All deposits and withdrawals shall be subject to the signature of the I.S.T.
    2. To pay all bills and claims legally due, and any disput- ed items when directed by the I.P., and no item when directed not to do so.
    3. To keep a general roll of all members with the name, age, card number, and date of admission, together with those suspended, expelled, transferred, etc., and also to keep a cor- rect ?nancial account between each L.U. and the I.B.E.W.
    4. To receive all applications for charters, sign and grant them when authorized by the I.P., and retain charge of the seal of the I.B.E.W. and a?x same to all o?cial documents.
    5. To receive all petitions for referenda or other votes, and to mail out the same with ballots when approved by the I.E.C., and to prepare for publication in the I.B.E.W.’s o?- cial monthly publication the results of all votes and all ques- tions submitted to the I.E.C.

    21                                      ART. 6

    1. To prepare for publication in the I.B.E.W.’s o?cial monthly publication each year the annual I.B.E.W. audit by the certi?ed public accountant employed by the I.E.C.
    2. To publish at least once a year a correct directory in pamphlet form of all L.U.’s with names and addresses of the R.S., F.S., and business manager or representative of each L.U.

    Sec. 2. The I.S.T. shall, ?fteen (15) days prior to the month in which the I.C. convenes, furnish to the I.E.C. a correct record of the convention vote to which each L.U. is entitled.

    Sec. 3. The I.S.T. and the I.P. are jointly empowered to make any investment of I.B.E.W. and pension funds and to manage, change, exchange, and sell any such investments and to make reinvestments and to borrow money—this power also includes the purchase, transfer, lease, or sale of real estate—all subject to the approval of the I.E.C.

    Sec. 4. The I.S.T. shall perform such other duties as are prescribed by this Constitution, and he shall be bonded in the minimum amount of $500,000. Should the amount being han- dled by the I.S.T. at any time exceed the amount of his bond, he and the I.E.C. shall have the bond increased accordingly.


    Sec. 1. The I.V.P.’s shall work under instructions of the I.P. and shall hold a progress meeting yearly with the business manager and delegates from each L.U. in their districts.

    The I.V.P.’s may hold additional progress meetings if they deem this necessary, with approval of the I.P. The time and place of progress meetings shall be decided by the I.V.P.’s. (The I.P. or his authorized representative shall attend a prog-

    ART. 7                                      22


    ress meeting in each district once every two (2) years when possible.) The I.V.P.’s shall perform such other duties as are stated in this Constitution.

    Sec. 2. An I.V.P. shall be elected from each of the following districts:


    Second—Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont

    Third—Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania

    Fourth—Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, District of Columbia

    Fifth—Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Puerto Rico, Republic of Panama

    Sixth—Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin

    Seventh—Arizona, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

    Eighth—Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming

    Ninth—Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Paci?c Islands

    Tenth—Arkansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee

    Eleventh—Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota

    23                                      ART. 7




    Sec. 1. The duties of the I.E.C. shall be:

    To meet quarterly; to employ a certi?ed public accoun- tant who shall audit all the books and accounts of the International O?cers, on an annual basis, at the end of the ?scal year; to act on all applications for pension, disability, or retirement bene?ts; to determine all proposed constitutional amendments submitted for referendum vote; and to attend to all business properly brought before it.

    Sec. 2. The members of the I.E.C. may vote and transact business by correspondence with the I.S.T., and each other, but ?ve (5) members must concur to make such action valid.

    Sec. 3. The I.E.C. shall be the committee on rules and cre- dentials at all regular or special conventions and shall submit its report as such immediately after the convention opens.

    Sec. 4. The I.E.C. shall have the power to try any L.U. or member charged with injuring the interests of the I.B.E.W. by actions in violation of I.B.E.W. laws or the obligation of the member and may revoke or suspend a charter or mem- bership. (Nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to con?ict with this power of the I.E.C.)

    Sec. 5. When an appeal from any decision of the I.P. is made to the I.E.C., then the I.E.C. shall render a decision within a reasonable period of time. However, the I.E.C. may, when it feels such is practical, act on an appeal by correspon- dence.

    Sec. 6. Either to suspend or revoke the charter of any L.U.—or have the I.S.T. reject the per capita tax from any

    ART. 8                                      24


    L.U.—that fails or refuses to observe the laws and rules of the

    I.B.E.W. or decisions rendered by proper I.B.E.W. authority.

    Sec. 7. To take charge of, i.e., impose a trusteeship on, the a?airs of any L.U. when in its judgment such is necessary to protect or advance the interests of its members and the I.B.E.W., and to suspend any local o?cer or member who o?ers interference in such cases.

    No ?nancial obligation or liability of the L.U. incurred prior to or during the course of the trusteeship shall be as- sumed by, or become an obligation of, the I.B.E.W. without the written consent of the I.P.

    Sec. 8. If at any time the I.E.C. deems a new law neces- sary, it shall recommend a clause or clauses for the L.U.’s to vote upon, and should a majority vote to support the recom- mendation, it shall become a law.

    Sec. 9. In case of a vacancy in the o?ce of the I.P., the

    I.E.C. shall immediately convene and elect a successor to ?ll the o?ce for the unexpired term.

    Sec. 10. The minutes and report of each I.E.C. meeting shall be published in full in the I.B.E.W.’s o?cial monthly publication.

    Sec. 11. A member of the I.E.C. shall be elected from each of the following districts, except the chairman, who shall be elected at large:

    First—Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania

    Second—Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont

    Third—Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia

    25                                      ART. 8


    Fourth—Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Republic of Panama

    Fifth—Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas,

    Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin

    Sixth—Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

    Seventh—Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho,

    Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Paci?c Islands


    ARTICLE IX                            DIVISION OF FUNDS AND PER CAPITA TAX

    Sec. 1. The receipts of the I.B.E.W. shall be divided into two funds: General Fund and Pension Bene?t Fund.

    Sec. 2. The monthly per capita tax for each member, including each member on Participating Withdrawal Card, shall be as follows:

    1/1/17                        1/1/18                         1/1/20

    $18.00                       $19.00                         $20.00

    Sec. 3. All money going into the General Fund shall be used for the management of the I.B.E.W. and the payment of all bene?ts under this Constitution not otherwise provided for.

    ART. 9                                      26


    Sec. 4. Any assessments levied shall be paid within ninety

    (90) days of the issuance of notice by the I.S.T. and he shall reject the per capita tax of any member failing to pay any assessment within this time, and such member shall stand suspended and without rights of any kind until the assess- ment is paid.

    Sec. 5. Each “A” member shall pay two dollars ($2.00) to the Pension Bene?t Fund upon joining the L.U.

    Sec. 6. Each “A” member and each “A” member on Participating Withdrawal Card shall pay monthly to the Pension Bene?t Fund:

    1/1/17                        1/1/19

    $18.00                       $19.00

    ARTICLE X                                 LEGAL DEFENSE

    Sec. 1. Requests for assistance involving legal defense may be made to the International President. No disbursements for legal defense shall be made from the General Fund except for the legal defense of L.U.’s (on behalf of their members) or for the defense of the I.B.E.W. or an International O?cer or Representative whose activity in the interest of the I.B.E.W. and in conformity with its laws results in legal involvement. All requests for legal assistance will be investigated by the I.P. and shall be subject to his approval and review by the I.E.C.

    ARTICLE XI                    PENSION BENEFIT FUND

    Sec. 1. Retirement Benefits. An “A” member who retires from the electrical industry after December 31, 2006, shall

    27                   ART. 10 & ART. 11


    be entitled to bene?ts in accordance with the following rules as to eligibility:

    1. Normal Pension. An “A” member of the I.B.E.W. in continuous good standing with ?ve (5) or more years imme- diately preceding his application, who has attained the age of sixty-?ve (65) years, shall receive pension bene?ts computed on the basis of four dollars and ?fty cents ($4.50) per month for each full year of such continuous “A” membership.
    2. Optional Early Retirement Pension. An “A” member of the I.B.E.W. in continuous good standing with twenty (20) or more years immediately preceding his application, who has attained the age of sixty-two (62) years, may elect to re- ceive reduced pension bene?ts as long as he lives, computed on the basis of four dollars and ?fty cents ($4.50) per month for each full year of such continuous “A” membership, re- duced by six and two-thirds percent (6?%) for each year or part thereof the said “A” member was under the age of six- ty-?ve (65) at the date of his retirement. The election of this option must be made on a form prescribed by the I.S.T. and will become e?ective on the date he is placed on pension. The election of this option shall be irrevocable.
    3. Optional Spouse’s Benefit. Each “A” member retired under Section 1(a), Section 1(b), or Section 2 may, in lieu of the payment of pensions as outlined above, elect to receive a reduced pension as long as he lives, with the provision that after his death one-half of such reduced pension shall contin- ue to be paid to his spouse thereafter as long as such spouse survives him. The amount of such reduced pension payable under this election shall be actuarially equivalent to the pen- sion otherwise payable. This election is e?ective on the date the member is placed on pension except in the event the

    ART. 11                                    28


    member and the member’s spouse are subsequently divorced or in the event the member’s spouse subsequently predeceas- es the member, in which case the bene?t payable to the mem- ber shall be recalculated and shall be equal to the unreduced bene?t that would have been provided under Section 1(a), 1(b), or 2, as the case may be. This recalculated bene?t shall commence the month of January 2002 for those members who became divorced or whose spouses predeceased them prior to or on December 31, 2001; and for all other members, as of the last day of the month next following either the date of the divorce or the death of the spouse.

    Sec. 2. Disability Pension. An “A” member of the I.B.E.W. who is totally disabled and has continuous good standing of twenty (20) or more years immediately preceding his appli- cation shall receive disability pension bene?ts, if such appli- cation is approved after December 31, 2006, computed on the basis of four dollars and ?fty cents ($4.50) per month for each full year of such continuous “A” membership.

    1. Bene?ts will be paid commencing on the ?rst day of the month in which it has been determined that the mem- ber became totally disabled, provided that no period of total disability shall be considered to commence before the “A” member has completed twenty (20) or more years in contin- uous good standing.
    2. The applicant for disability pension bene?ts must maintain his continuous good standing as an “A” member until the date of approval of his application by the I.E.C. and shall, in the event of such approval, receive a full refund of

    I.O. per capita tax from the date of commencement of his total disability. The period following the commencement of total disability shall not be counted in computing the amount of disability pension bene?t.

    29                                    ART. 11


    Sec. 3. Vesting. An “A” member who has completed twenty

    (20) or more years of “A” membership in continuous good standing and who ceases being engaged in the electrical in- dustry prior to the attainment of age sixty-?ve (65) shall, if an application is ?led and approved after December 31, 2006, obtain a vested right to pension bene?ts, but not disability pension bene?ts or death bene?ts. This vested right will en- title him to receive, commencing at age sixty-?ve (65), pen- sion bene?ts computed on the basis of four dollars and ?fty cents ($4.50) per month for each full year of such continuous “A” membership, less four dollars and ?fty cents ($4.50) per month for each year or part thereof the said “A” member was under the age of sixty-?ve (65) at the date his application was received. The applicant for vested pension rights must main- tain his continuous good standing as an “A” member until the date of approval of his application by the I.E.C., and shall, in the event of such approval, receive a full refund of I.O. per capita tax from the month following receipt of his application. The period following the receipt of such application shall not be counted in computing the amount of vested pension rights. In no event shall any “A” member entitled to bene?ts under this Section 3 be paid a monthly pension bene?t less than he would have received under the pension bene?t provisions of the Constitution prior to January 1, 2007.

    Sec. 4. Death Benefits. Upon the death of an “A” member, a death bene?t shall be payable as follows:

    1. Benefit Level. Upon the death, after September 10, 2001, of a nonretired “A” member who then has at least six

    (6) months continuous and active good standing, the bene?- ciary to receive the death bene?ts payable under this para- graph shall be paid the sum of six thousand two hundred

    ART. 11                                    30


    ?fty dollars ($6,250.00) if the said “A” member died from natural causes, or the sum of twelve thousand ?ve hundred dollars ($12,500.00) if the said “A” member died by acciden- tal means. However, no death bene?t shall be payable upon the death of a nonretired “A” member if such member was more than two (2) months in arrears in per capita tax pay- ments, unless it can be demonstrated that the arrearage was not the fault of the member in which case the death bene?t shall be reduced by the amount of the arrearage. Upon the death from either natural causes or accidental means of an “A” member after December 31, 2001, who is retired under Section 1 or Section 2, the bene?ciary to receive the death bene?ts shall be paid a sum computed by subtracting from six thousand two hundred ?fty dollars ($6,250.00) all pen- sion bene?ts paid by the I.B.E.W. Pension Bene?t Fund to the retired member. However, in no event shall the amount of the death bene?t due as a result of the death of an “A” mem- ber retired under Section 1 or Section 2 be less than three thousand dollars ($3,000.00), except as provided in Section

    4(c). All death bene?ts payable under this provision are pay- able without interest.

    1. Beneficiaries. Upon the failure of any member to name an original bene?ciary, or to name a new bene?ciary after the death or inability to take of one previously named, the death bene?t shall be payable to the following individual(s) in the indicated order of priority: 1) member’s spouse; 2) mem- ber’s children; 3) member’s parents; and 4) member’s estate. Every “A” member shall have the right to name the person or persons, including the member’s estate, who are to be the member’s bene?ciary or bene?ciaries under the death ben- e?t provisions of the I.B.E.W. Pension Bene?t Fund. Every

    31                                    ART. 11


    member shall have the privilege of changing bene?ciaries. If the bene?ciary entitled to the death bene?t (either the bene- ?ciary named by the “A” member or the individual(s) in the indicated order of priority stated above) cannot be located or does not ?le a claim for the death bene?t within ninety

    (90) days after the date of death, the bene?t may be paid to a contingent bene?ciary or in the indicated order of priority stated above. If no valid claim is ?led, no appropriate bene?- ciary can be located, and the member has no estate to which the bene?t can be paid, the death bene?t shall revert to the

    I.B.E.W. Pension Bene?t Fund on the second anniversary of the member’s death and no bene?t will be paid subsequent to the reversion.

    1. Set O? of Death Benefit. If the I.B.E.W. Pension Bene?t Fund has sent pension checks payable to the deceased mem- ber after the member’s death as a result of a failure to notify the Fund of the death of the member, and the recipient of those pension checks has not returned them to the Fund, but retained the pension money, the Fund may set o? from the death bene?t, and refuse to pay to any bene?ciary, the amount equal to the total amount of the pension overpayment.

    Sec. 5. Benefits of “A” members who have retired and/ or died on or before December 31, 1991. The pension bene- ?ts of an “A” member of the I.B.E.W., who has retired from the electrical industry and was placed on the pension rolls on or before December 31, 1991, shall be governed by the rules in e?ect as of the date they were placed on the pension rolls. Those rules are set forth in the I.B.E.W. Constitution as amended at the 33rd I.B.E.W. Convention at Toronto, Ontario, September 1986.

    ART. 11                                    32


    Sec. 6. General Provisions.

    1. Continuous Good Standing. Any period of membership used in determining eligibility or in computing bene?ts shall include only consecutive years of “A” membership in good standing in the I.B.E.W., except that years of membership when on pension or disability pension shall not be count- ed. Any member that transfers from “A” membership status to “BA” membership status, or who is dropped from mem- bership after six (6) months’ delinquency in per capita tax payments, or who has accepted honorary withdrawal status, shall not be considered in good standing for purposes of de- termining eligibility for, or in computing bene?ts under, this article. In addition, a member shall not be eligible for pen- sion approval while such member has an outstanding L.U. trial board assessment. Provided further that, if a member who has been granted a normal pension, an early retirement pension, a disability pension, or a vested pension right re- turns to the electrical industry and “A” membership, a bene- ?t based on the period of continuous “A” membership after such return shall be added to the amount of his previous nor- mal pension, early retirement pension, disability pension, or vested pension right.
    2. Waiver. Any member who desires to waive any portion of his pension, either monthly or yearly, may do so by notify- ing the I.S.T. Any portion of the pension so waived will not be returned to the pensioner at a later date.
    3. Per Capita Tax of Members on Pension, Disability Pension, or with a Vested Pension Right. The per capita tax owed by “A” members who are approved for normal, early, disability or vested pension bene?ts under this article is hereby waived.

    33                                    ART. 11

    1. Prohibition of Work. It is a condition for admission to pension bene?ts, including vested pension rights and the continuation thereof, that the member shall not perform any work of any kind coming under the I.B.E.W.’s jurisdiction either for compensation or gratis for anyone, except that a member may work as an instructor in an I.B.E.W. recog- nized apprenticeship program, or as an electrical inspector for a governmental authority where electrical inspectors are not covered by an approved I.B.E.W. collective bargaining agreement. A retired member shall be permitted to attend

    L.U. meetings, and, with the L.U.’s approval, have a voice at such meetings, but shall not have a vote; provided, that a member who comes o? pension and returns to the trade prior to a L.U. election shall not be permitted to vote in the L.U. election for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days fol- lowing his return to the trade. He shall observe his obligation of membership and show due obedience to I.B.E.W. laws and the bylaws of its L.U.’s.

    1. Non-Assignment of Benefits. No member, pensioner, or bene?ciary shall have the right to assign, transfer, sell, mort- gage, encumber, or pledge any pension or death bene?ts, and such assignment, transfer, sale, mortgage, encumbrance, or pledge shall be void and of no e?ect whatsoever. So that such bene?ts shall not in any way be subject to any legal pro- cess, execution, attachment, or garnishment or be used for the payment of any claim against any member, pensioner, or bene?ciary, or be subject to the jurisdiction of any bank- ruptcy court or insolvency proceedings by operation of law or otherwise, the I.E.C. shall have the right to postpone any payment under this Plan to a pensioner or bene?ciary.
    2. Computation of Pension Benefit. The period of con- tinuous good standing employed in calculating a member’s

    ART. 11                                    34


    pension bene?t shall be computed as of his anniversary date, which is the ?rst day of the month in which such member is initiated as an “A” member of the I.B.E.W., or in which such member transfers from “BA” membership status to “A” membership status or in which such member returns to “A” membership status from honorary withdrawal status or from vested pension status. A member earns a year of good stand- ing by maintaining membership from one anniversary date up to his next anniversary date.

    1. Forfeiture. Members who have been expelled from membership or who have resigned from membership (other than with an approved vested bene?t) forfeit all rights in any pension or death bene?ts payable from the Fund.
    2. Interpretations, Definitions, and Decisions. The I.E.C. is hereby granted discretionary authority to make de?nitions of the terms used in this article of the Constitution and to make interpretations of or construe these constitutional pro- visions and its rules and regulations, which shall be ?nal and binding. The I.E.C. is also granted discretionary authority to determine eligibility for bene?ts and the decisions of the

    I.E.C. on all questions arising hereunder, including cases of eligibility for, and computation of the amount of, bene?ts shall be ?nal and binding. No bene?ts are authorized other than those expressly stated in the I.B.E.W. Constitution and the rules and regulations of the I.E.C.

    Sec. 7. Members on Participating Withdrawal Cards who have maintained their continuous good standing in the I.B.E.W., and who make application for pension bene?ts, shall be governed and their applications handled in the same manner as active members of L.U.’s, except that notice of ap- plication shall be given to the L.U. that issued the withdrawal

    35                                    ART. 11


    card to the member. Members on honorary withdrawal sta- tus shall not be entitled to a pension or death bene?t under this article.

    Sec. 8. Any member violating any of the provisions of this article, or any member aiding or abetting a member to do so, after investigation by the I.E.C. and being found guilty, may be permanently barred from ever participating in these bene?ts, and may be suspended, expelled, or assessed as the

    I.E.C. may decide.

    Sec. 9. The procedures for applications for bene?ts and for making determinations thereon shall be as prescribed in the rules and regulations of the I.E.C.



    Sec. 1. Any L.U. hereinafter organized shall pay to the

    I.S.T. ?ve dollars ($5.00) for each “A” member admitted as a charter member. The ?ve dollar ($5.00) fee shall be divided, with three dollars ($3.00) paid to the General Fund and two dollars ($2.00) paid to the Pension Bene?t Fund.

    Any L.U. hereinafter organized shall pay to the I.S.T. one dollar and ?fty cents ($1.50) for each “BA” member admit- ted as a charter member except as may be otherwise decided by the I.P.

    Each such L.U. shall receive free of cost the initial supplies.

    The charter of new L.U.’s may be kept open for the recep- tion of additional charter members for sixty (60) days after permanent organization, during which time applicants shall pay the amounts paid by the other charter members.

    ART. 12                                    36


    The charter shall not again be opened except by consent of the I.P., and the admission fee shall be the amount approved by the I.P.

    Sec. 2. L.U.’s already organized shall pay to the I.S.T. ?fty percent (50%) of the admission fees collected from all new members, but the maximum fee to the I.S.T. shall not be more than sixty dollars ($60.00).

    Sec. 3. Fifty percent (50%) of any di?erence in admission fees collected by L.U.’s from members of the I.B.E.W. shall be sent to the I.S.T., but the maximum fee to the I.S.T. shall not be more than sixty dollars ($60.00).

    Sec. 4. L.U.’s shall pay the I.S.T. one half of the ten dollar ($10.00) reinstatement fee collected from “A” members in arrears. “BA” members shall pay a three dollar ($3.00) rein- statement fee, one half of which shall be sent to the I.S.T. All members, before reinstatement, shall pay all arrearages to the date of reinstatement.

    Sec. 5. Each L.U. shall pay to the I.S.T., as per capita tax, the amounts set forth in Article IX.

    If any member is in arrears for dues to the L.U. and later pays such dues, the per capita tax for each month shall be paid to the I.S.T.

    Should a member take out a Traveling Card, his per capita tax must be paid for the full life of the card at the time it is taken out. This must be sent to the I.S.T. with the next per capita tax payments sent after the card has been issued.

    Withdrawal card members shall pay such amounts as set forth in Article IX.

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    Sec. 6. All per capita tax collected from members shall be in the hands of the I.S.T. or in the mail on or before the tenth (10th) of the following month.

    Sec. 7. Any L.U. three (3) months in arrears in its payments to the I.S.T. may be suspended, and shall be reinstated only upon payment of an assessment, in an amount determined appropriate by a policy developed by the I.S.T., in addition to making its reports and remittances in full to the I.S.T.

    Sec. 8. Payments due the I.S.T. shall be held in the treasury as a standing appropriation and do not require any vote of the

    L.U. to be sent to the I.S.T.

    Sec. 9. A system of bookkeeping approved by the I.S.T. shall be used in all L.U.’s and the books and supplies shall be furnished at cost by the I.S.T.

    Sec. 10. Any member holding good standing immediately prior to the ?rst of the month in which the member enters the military service for the ?rst time or is recalled to such mili- tary service, under the laws of the United States or Canada, shall be issued a Military Service Card by the F.S. of his L.U. on application by such member.

    One designated portion of the card shall be forwarded to the I.S.T. by the F.S. of the L.U. with the next per capita re- port ?led on behalf of the L.U.

    The member receiving such a card, upon being released or discharged from military service, shall within sixty (60) days thereafter deposit it with the F.S. of the L.U. that issued the card and resume payment of L.U. dues and per capita tax. Any member who fails to deposit such card and resume pay- ment of L.U. dues and per capita tax within the time speci?ed

    ART. 12                                    38


    above shall no longer be entitled to the privileges set forth in this section.

    All members on Participating Withdrawal Cards who enter military service shall be covered by this section, except that the Military Service Card shall be issued to them by the I.S.T.

    Any member who remains in or re-enters military service, without being required to do so, shall not be entitled to retain the Military Service Card, nor shall such member be issued a new one in such circumstances; provided, however, that a member serving or reenlisting in the National Guard or in the military reserves may retain the Military Service Card bene?t whenever called to active duty.

    During the period that any member holds a valid Military Service Card, such member shall not be required to pay dues or per capita tax, but shall retain all membership privileges, including, but not limited to, eligibility to be a candidate for

    L.U. o?ce or for International Convention delegate. In addi- tion, all “A” members holding a valid Military Service Card shall maintain their continuous good standing and entitle- ment to all “A” members’ bene?ts provided by the Pension Bene?t Fund.

    When a L.U. provides local bene?ts, it shall decide wheth- er any member issued a Military Service Card shall continue to be covered by such bene?ts. However, the I.B.E.W. shall in no manner be held responsible regarding the payment or nonpayment of local bene?ts.


    Sec. 1. A L.U. may be organized by not less than ten (10) electrical workers or employees coming under the I.B.E.W.’s

    39                                    ART. 13


    jurisdiction. The I.S.T. shall grant a charter when authorized by the I.P.

    Sec. 2. The type of work and the territory or jurisdiction covered by a charter must be de?ned in approved L.U. by- laws. The I.P. has the right and power to divide or change the territory or jurisdiction covered by any L.U., or to take charge of and direct certain jobs or projects in or passing through any territory, when in the judgment of the I.P. such should be done.

    Sec. 3. The I.P. has the right and the power to merge or amalgamate L.U.’s in any community or section where the facts, developments, or conditions—in the judgment of the I.P.—warrant such action, also to decide the terms or details of any merger or amalgamation when the L.U.’s involved cannot or do not agree.

    Sec. 4. When a L.U. does not—in the judgment of the I.P.—organize or protect the jurisdiction or territory award- ed it, then its charter may be suspended or revoked by the

    I.P. and a new L.U. established or the jurisdiction or territory awarded to another L.U. or L.U.’s.

    Sec. 5. When there is more than one branch of workers under I.B.E.W. jurisdiction represented in a L.U., the mem- bers of each branch shall de?ne their own scale of wages, hours, and working conditions.

    (However, this section shall not apply when di?erent branches, divisions, or classi?cations come under one (1) blanket agreement. When these come under one (1) agree- ment, they shall vote as a group.)

    Sec. 6. Units may be established within a L.U. by provi- sion in the L.U. bylaws when its jurisdiction covers more

    ART. 13                                    40


    than one (1) city, town, or community, or includes in its membership employees engaged in several of the branches, divisions, or classi?cations of the electrical industry.

    A unit is to assist the L.U. in giving service to the mem- bership and shall have no power or duties not provided in the

    L.U. bylaws. All unit o?cers and committees shall be under the supervision of the L.U. and its executive board.

    Sec. 7. “A” and “BA” members may transfer from one type of membership to another in accordance with the by- laws of a L.U. but must retain such changed membership for not less than twelve (12) consecutive months, except when change is made necessary on account of transferring to a dif- ferent type of work.

    Sec. 8. The I.P. is empowered to authorize L.U.’s to cover such “A”, “BA,” or “A” and “BA” types of membership as, in his judgment, the progress of the I.B.E.W. demands. The authorized coverage shall be stated in the L.U. bylaws.

    Sec. 9. Any employee engaged in work coming under the jurisdiction of I.B.E.W. charters, as above indicated and as interpreted by the I.P., may become a member of any L.U. subject to all the provisions of the Constitution.

    Sec. 10. “BA” members shall not participate in the funds or bene?ts established and maintained under Article XI.



    Sec. 1. Railroad System Councils shall be formed and composed of railroad L.U.’s of the I.B.E.W., as conditions require and as decided by the I.P.

    41                                    ART. 14


    Sec. 2. Each council must be chartered by the I.P. The

    I.S.T. shall grant such charters when authorized by the I.P. The type of work and the territory or jurisdiction covered by a charter must be de?ned in the approved bylaws. The I.P. has the right and power to divide or change the territory or jurisdiction covered by such charter when in his judgment such should be done to advance the interests of the I.B.E.W. on railroads.

    Rules for Railroad System Councils

    Sec. 3. The method of representation in Railroad System Councils shall be determined by the L.U.’s a?liated there- with. However, each delegate to the council shall be elected in the same manner as are the o?cers of the L.U. he represents.

    Sec. 4. Such councils shall charge a per capita tax for their support and for proper handling of their business on railroads, and such per capita tax shall not be less than one dollar ($1.00) a month from the members of railroad L.U.’s.

    Sec. 5. The secretary of each council shall furnish to its L.U.’s and to the I.S.T. a quarterly ?nancial report showing all receipts and disbursements.

    Sec. 6. Each council shall adopt bylaws and rules to meet the needs of, or to protect and advance the interests of, the

    I.B.E.W. on railroads. Such bylaws or rules shall in no way con?ict with this Constitution. Where any doubt appears, this Constitution shall be supreme. All bylaws, amend- ments or rules, all agreements, jurisdiction, etc., of any and all kinds, shall be submitted in duplicate form to the I.P. for his approval.

    ART. 14                                    42


    Sec. 7. No such council shall put into e?ect, nor shall its o?cers, general chairman, or representative put into e?ect or allow to be put into e?ect, any bylaw, amendment, rule, or agreement of any kind without ?rst securing approval of the

    I.P. All these shall be null and void without such approval, and the I.P. has the power to correct bylaws, amendments, rules, and agreements to conform to this Constitution and the policies of the I.B.E.W.

    Sec. 8. Each council shall cooperate in the manner directed by the I.P. with such organizations as he may decide.

    Sec. 9. When the I.P. deems it necessary to protect or ad- vance the interests of I.B.E.W. members on railroads, or to organize or protect their jurisdiction, the I.P. is empowered to require such councils to employ a full-time general chair- man, or a su?cient number of assistant general chairmen to cover the jurisdiction or territory involved.

    Sec. 10. The general chairman of each such council shall be held responsible to the council and to the I.P. for results in organizing his territory, for establishing friendly relations with representatives of the railroads, and in protecting the ju- risdiction of the I.B.E.W. He shall attend all meetings of the Executive Board of the council. It shall be his responsibility to keep accurate statistics—or to see that such statistics are kept—as required by the I.P., and to cooperate fully with the Research Department of the I.B.E.W.

    Where a council has more than one general chairman, or representative, one shall be elected to be in full charge. He shall appoint any additional general chairmen, representa- tives, or assistants, and these shall work directly under him and be subject to his authority. He may discharge them at any

    43                                    ART. 14


    time. When a representative or assistant is dismissed by the general chairman in charge, he shall not be reemployed or paid by the council in any capacity during the term of o?ce of the general chairman in charge without his consent.

    Sec. 11. The o?cers, general chairmen, and representatives of such councils shall be guided and governed by the same rules—where such apply to them—which guide and govern the o?cers and representatives of the L.U.’s of the I.B.E.W.

    Sec. 12. The I.P. has the power at any time to enter any situation or controversy involving a council, and his decision shall be accepted by such council and its o?cers, subject to appeal to the I.E.C. and I.C.


    Sec. 1. No L.U. shall meet more than twice monthly unless speci?cally called. Special meetings may be called only by the business manager, railroad general chairman, or the L.U. Executive Board.

    Sec. 2. Each L.U. shall adjourn its meetings not later than 11 p.m. prevailing time, and no other meetings shall be held on the same day or night. Any action taken after this hour shall be null and void. Anyone presiding over the meeting shall be held personally liable and subject to penalty from the I.P. for permitting a violation of this provision. (When a L.U.’s members are engaged in operations of a continuous nature, and it is impossible or impractical to comply with the above provision, the I.P. may grant special dispensation in such cases.)

    Sec. 3. Any L.U. failing to hold a regular meeting for a period of one (1) month shall forfeit its charter, unless it

    ART. 15                                    44


    shows good cause for not doing so. Seven (7) members in good standing shall constitute a quorum, provided the L.U. has a membership of seventy-?ve (75) or more. If the L.U. has less than seventy-?ve (75) members, then ?ve (5) shall constitute a quorum.

    Sec. 4. L.U.’s shall a?liate, or shall not a?liate, with state, provincial, central, or trades councils or bodies, as de- cided by the I.P.

    Sec. 5. No L.U. shall allow any member who becomes an electrical employer, a partner in an electrical employing concern, a general manager, or other managerial position, to hold o?ce in the L.U. or attend any of its meetings, or vote in any election of a L.U. The L.U. may allow such a member to continue his membership in the L.U., or the member may apply to the F.S. for a withdrawal card. It shall require a ma- jority vote at a meeting to grant such card. But the L.U. has the right to require such a member to take out a withdrawal card if it so decides.

    Sec. 6. L.U.’s are empowered to make their own by- laws and rules, but these shall in no way con?ict with this Constitution. Where any doubt appears, this Constitution shall be supreme. All bylaws, amendments and rules, all agreements, jurisdiction, etc., of any kind or nature, shall be submitted to the I.P. for approval. No L.U. shall put into ef- fect any bylaw, amendment, rule, or agreement of any kind without ?rst securing such approval. All these shall be null and void without I.P. approval. The I.P. has the right to correct any bylaws, amendments, rules, or agreements to conform to this Constitution and the policies of the I.B.E.W. Bylaw amendments shall be submitted to the I.V.P. of that district, who will forward them to the I.P. with his recommendations.

    45                                    ART. 15


    The number of copies of agreements, and the method of their submission, shall be determined by the I.P.

    Approval of L.U. collective bargaining agreements by the

    I.P. does not make the International a party to such agree- ments unless the I.P. speci?cally states in writing that the International is a party to any such agreement.

    Sec. 7. This Constitution and the rules herein shall be con- sidered a part of all L.U. bylaws and shall be absolutely bind- ing on each and every L.U. member.

    Sec. 8. All L.U. bylaws or rules in con?ict with this Constitution and the rules herein are null and void.

    Sec. 9. Except when decided otherwise by the I.P., agree- ments between L.U.’s and employers must contain a condi- tion that the L.U. is part of the I.B.E.W. and that a violation or annulment of an agreement with any L.U. annuls all agree- ments entered into with the same employer, corporation, or ?rm and any other L.U. of the I.B.E.W.

    Sec. 10. All L.U.’s shall be compelled to live up to all ap- proved agreements unless broken or terminated by the other party or parties, which fact shall ?rst be ascertained by the

    I.P. No agreement of any kind or nature shall be abrogated without sanction of the I.P.

    Sec. 11. No L.U. shall allow its members to work for any employer in di?culty with it or any other L.U. of the I.B.E.W., or directly with the I.B.E.W., providing the I.P. has recognized such di?culty.

    Sec. 12. No L.U. shall cause or allow a stoppage of work in any controversy of a general nature before obtaining con- sent of the I.P. The I.P., or his representative, has the power

    ART. 15                                    46


    at any time to enter any situation or controversy involving a

    L.U. or any of its members, and the decision of the I.P., direct or through his representative, shall be accepted by the L.U. and its o?cers, subject to appeal to the I.E.C. and I.C.

    Sec. 13. No L.U. shall by any action, law, rule, agree- ment, or understanding refuse to furnish members to, or prevent their members working for, outside employers who have work within their jurisdiction, under the same working conditions and wages that the L.U. members work for local employers, provided that such outside employers recog- nize the I.B.E.W. as the collective bargaining agent on their other work.

    Sec. 14. Each L.U. has the power to adopt, or subscribe to, an apprenticeship system, training program, or helper rules, as the conditions may require. However, such shall not con- ?ict with applicable standards or policies of the I.B.E.W. or to which it is a party.

    After such an apprentice has worked one (1) year in the ju- risdiction of the L.U., he shall be admitted into the I.B.E.W. through the L.U. without further action by the L.U.

    Apprentices, helpers, and groundmen may or may not have a voice and vote at L.U. meetings or elections as the

    L.U. decides and as provided in the L.U. bylaws.

    No apprentice shall be eligible to hold any o?ce in the L.U., except that a member who was previously eligible to hold o?ce in the L.U. shall remain eligible if he entered an apprenticeship program for the purpose of upgrading his classi?cation.

    Sec. 15. Each L.U. shall have a safety and health com- mittee which shall: investigate and report serious accidents

    47                                    ART. 15


    and fatalities; cooperate with the I.O. on safety and health matters; promote safety and health; and cooperate with safe- ty and health organizations as determined by the L.U. and as directed by the I.O. Each L.U. shall investigate and report to the I.O. all serious lost-time accidents and fatalities. Reports shall be submitted using the web-based, electronic version of Form 173, I.B.E.W. Report of Occupational Injury, Illness or Fatality. Nothing in this section, or in the activities of the safety and health committee, is intended to create any right or obligation enforceable by individual members or employees against the L.U., the I.B.E.W., or members of the committee.

    Sec. 16. Each L.U. shall establish the amount of its ad- mission fee subject to approval of the I.P. Such fees must be stated in the L.U. bylaws; and in case of a dispute, the fees recorded in the bylaws shall be conclusive of the correct amount.

    Sec. 17. In no case shall a L.U. charge any member of the

    I.B.E.W. an examination fee.

    Sec. 18. No L.U. shall send out, or approve the sending out of, ?nancial appeals of any kind without ?rst having consent of the I.P. No L.U. shall recognize or pass upon any ?nancial appeals, etc., it may receive without such appeals having re- ceived approval of the I.P.

    Sec. 19. Whenever the I.P. deems it necessary to protect or advance the interests of a L.U. and the I.B.E.W., or to orga- nize and protect its jurisdiction, the I.P. may require the L.U. to employ a su?cient number of representatives to cover the jurisdiction or territory involved.

    Sec. 20. Railroad L.U.’s shall join Railroad System Federations and System Councils where such are formed.

    ART. 15                                    48


    Railroad L.U.’s must contribute to the support of and con- form to the laws of Railroad System Councils where such are formed. Railroad L.U.’s shall cooperate in the manner directed by the I.P.

    Sec. 21. L.U.’s outside the railroad industry may form System Councils for bargaining purposes, with approval of the I.P., and shall do so when directed by the I.P. Where formed, the L.U.’s a?ected or involved shall a?liate, and re- main so, and shall pay for the support of, and conform to the approved bylaws of, such System Councils.

    The I.S.T. shall grant a charter to such System Council when authorized by the I.P. The type of work and the territo- ry or jurisdiction covered by the charter must be de?ned in the approved bylaws. Each delegate to the System Council shall be elected in the same manner as are the o?cers of the

    L.U. he represents.

    Such System Councils, and their o?cers and represen- tatives, shall be subject to and be governed by the same rules and laws (where such apply to them) as appear in this Constitution for L.U.’s.

    Sec. 22. No L.U. shall withdraw from the I.B.E.W. or dis- solve as long as ?ve (5) members in good standing object thereto. Before withdrawal, written notice must be given to the I.P., and all books, papers, charters, funds, and all proper- ty are to be forwarded to the I.S.T.

    Sec. 23. L.U.’s, Railroad System Councils, or System Councils whose charters have been revoked or suspended for violation of this Constitution, or for noncompliance with de- cisions rendered by proper International authority, shall have no right or power to take any action, except actions necessary

    49                                    ART. 15


    to comply with the Constitution or decisions rendered by proper I.B.E.W. authority. After such action has been taken, no further action can be taken until notice from the I.P. is re- ceived that the revocation or suspension has been terminated.

    Sec. 24. No L.U., or its o?cers, employees, or represen- tatives, is authorized to act on behalf of the I.B.E.W. or shall be deemed an agent of the I.B.E.W., except upon speci?c authorization granted by the I.P.

    Sec. 25. The Examining Board shall supervise the exam- ination of all applicants for membership to determine their quali?cations for the trade, except for those selected as ap- prentices under provisions of the collective bargaining agree- ment. They shall review such quali?cations of members as provided in Article XIX of this Constitution.

    The Board shall meet at least quarterly to supervise the examination of applicants when there are applicants to be examined. The Board shall retain all records of examinations given for at least two (2) years.

    The report on the results of all examinations shall be furnished to the Executive Board and the L.U. by the Examining Board.

    Parliamentary Rules

    1. The chairman may save time in deciding certain ques- tions by asking if there are any objections. If there are none, he shall declare an action adopted.
    2. He shall not allow any member of the L.U. to speak more than once on the same subject until all members desir- ing the ?oor have spoken, and not more than twice, and not

    ART. 15                                    50


    more than seven (7) minutes at any one time, except those making reports.

    1. Sectarian discussions shall not be permitted under any circumstances.
    2. When members desire all talk or debate stopped and a vote taken, they may call for the previous question. When this is done it shall be put to a vote at once in this form: “Shall all debate be closed and the main question voted upon?” If this carries by a majority vote, then a vote shall be taken at once on the question before the meeting.
    3. An appeal may be taken at the meeting on any ruling of the chairman, but not when a question of law is involved. When an appeal is taken to the meeting, the chairman shall state it in these words: “Shall the decision of your chairman be upheld?” The member making the appeal shall then state his grounds, and the chairman shall give the reason for his decision. The vote shall then be taken without further debate.
    4. A question can be reconsidered only at the same meeting or at the next regular meeting. If reconsidered at the same meeting, a majority vote is su?cient. If reconsidered at the next meeting, a two-thirds (2/3) vote is required. A motion to reconsider must be made and seconded by two (2) members who voted with the majority.
    5. A motion can be amended only twice.
    6. If a motion has been amended, then the amendment shall be voted upon ?rst. If more than one (1) amendment has been o?ered, then the vote shall be ?rst on the amendment to the amendment; next on the amendment to the motion; and last on the original motion.

    51                                    ART. 15

    1. Motions to lay on the table, or to read a paper or docu- ment, or to adjourn, are not debatable.
    2. All resolutions and resignations must be submitted in writing.
    3. All other parliamentary questions not decided in these rules shall be decided by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.


    Sec. 1. Each L.U. shall have a president, vice presi- dent, recording secretary, ?nancial secretary, treasurer, and Executive Board of not more than seven (7) nor less than three (3) members, provided that where deemed necessary for better representation in the L.U., the Executive Board may, with the consent of the I.P., have more than seven (7) members and, if the L.U. so decides, an Examining Board of not more than ?ve (5) nor less than three (3) members. The members of the Examining Board are elected; however, they are not considered L.U. operating o?cers.

    Sec. 2. L.U.’s requiring a local business representative or representatives shall elect one (1) person to be known as a business manager. He shall appoint any and all other repre- sentatives or assistants. These shall work directly under him and be subject to his authority. He may discharge them at any time. When a representative or assistant is discharged by the business manager, he shall not be reemployed or paid by the

    L.U. in any capacity during the term of o?ce of such busi- ness manager without his consent. However, this does not disqualify any discharged assistant or representative from running for o?ce at the next election. The business manager

    ART. 16                                    52


    shall be the principal o?cer of the L.U., and all other L.U. o?cers shall cooperate with the business manager and shall not work in con?ict with him.

    Sec. 3. Each L.U. shall also have a press secretary, registrar, and as many inspectors and door foremen as the L.U. presi- dent deems necessary. These shall not be considered o?cers and shall be appointed by the president. They shall perform such duties as he directs. He may remove any of them and appoint others at any time.

    Sec. 4. No other local o?ces shall be created without consent of the I.P.

    Sec. 5. No L.U. shall combine the o?ce of ?nancial secre- tary and treasurer unless by special dispensation from the I.P.

    Sec. 6. In each L.U. whose members participate in the Pension Bene?t Fund, no member shall be eligible to serve as F.S. unless he is also a participant in the Pension Bene?t Fund, unless this requirement is waived by the I.P.

    Sec. 7. No L.U. shall allow dues to o?cers or appointees for services rendered, but the L.U. may ?x such salaries for them as it decides.

    Sec. 8. The o?cers shall serve three (3) or four (4) year terms as the L.U. bylaws may provide, or until their successors are quali?ed.

    Sec. 9. Nominations for o?cers shall be held in the month of May of election years as provided in the L.U. bylaws. However, the I.P. may grant special dispensation to hold the nominations in a di?erent month when he is satis?ed good cause is shown. Where such change is to continue, the month shall be stated in the L.U.’s bylaws. Any member nominated

    53                                    ART. 16


    can withdraw his name any time prior to the election, either by announcement at the meeting of the L.U. or by notifying the L.U. president in writing.

    Sec. 10. No member shall be nominated for o?ce unless he is present or signi?es his willingness in writing, nor shall he be eligible for any o?ce unless he has been a member in continuous good standing at least two (2) years in the L.U. immediately prior to nomination, provided the L.U. has been in existence for this length of time. When it is impracticable or impossible for a L.U. to elect o?cers with the required standing, the I.P. may grant special dispensation. A member must be in good standing between the time of nomination and installation and, if elected, must remain in good standing while serving in o?ce, unless the I.P. grants special dispen- sation when circumstances warrant, such as a clerical error or emergencies beyond the control of the member, preventing the timely payment of dues.

    The two (2) year membership requirement shall not be applicable to members of L.U.’s a?liated with System Councils who are employed by a single employer and who transfer between L.U.’s within a System Council, provided, however, that any such member must have been a member in continuous good standing for two (2) years in at least one of the L.U.’s a?liated with the System Council involved.

    Sec. 11. The L.U. shall decide the manner in which the nominations and elections shall be held, and such shall be stated in the L.U. bylaws. This shall not con?ict with the

    I.B.E.W. Constitution. There shall be one (1) judge and as many tellers as are required, and the method of selection shall be stated in the L.U. bylaws. The election judge and tellers must have been members in continuous good stand- ing in the L.U. at least two (2) years immediately prior to

    ART. 16                                    54


    nominations, provided the L.U. has been in existence for this length of time. Election observers must be members eligible to vote in the election.

    Sec. 12. Elections of o?cers shall be held in the month of June of election years as provided in the L.U. bylaws. However, the I.P. may grant special dispensation to hold the elections in a di?erent month and to extend the time for conducting the elections when he is satis?ed good cause is shown. Where such change is to continue, the month shall be stated in the L.U.’s bylaws. Each L.U. shall set a de?nite date and time for the elections.

    All elections shall be decided for the candidate receiving the most votes, unless the L.U. bylaws provide otherwise.

    However, election to the L.U. Executive Board or Examining Board shall be decided for the candidates re- ceiving the most votes. Where a majority of the votes cast is required and no candidate receives such majority, a run- o? election will be held between the two (2) candidates re- ceiving the highest number of votes. The time for holding a run-o? election shall be stated in the L.U. bylaws, where a majority vote is required.

    Sec. 13. The installation of o?cers shall occur at the ?rst meeting held in July following the elections. However, the

    I.P. may grant special dispensation for a di?erent time for the installation of o?cers when he is satis?ed good cause is shown. When such dispensation is granted, the time shall be stated in the L.U.’s bylaws.

    Sec. 14. Any o?cer failing to discharge the duties of his o?ce for two (2) consecutive meetings, unless satisfactory excuse is given in writing, shall have his o?ce or position de-

    55                                    ART. 16


    clared vacant by the L.U. president, and the Executive Board shall then ?ll such vacancy until the next regular election.

    Sec. 15. When it is decided by proper authority, and in ac- cordance with these laws, that any L.U. o?cer shall be sus- pended or removed from o?ce, then the L.U. president shall at once declare such o?ce vacant. If this applies to the pres- ident, then the vice president shall declare his o?ce vacant.

    Sec. 16. Vacancies occurring in any L.U. o?ce and the Examining Board shall be ?lled by the L.U. Executive Board until the next regular election, except when ?lled by the I.P. The eligibility requirements for election to the of- ?ce shall apply. Vacancies in the position of press secretary, registrar, door foreman, or inspector shall be ?lled by the

    L.U. president.

    Sec. 17. During the temporary absence of any o?cer, the president shall appoint a member to serve pro tem. In the ab- sence of the president, the vice president shall automatically perform his duties. In the absence of both the president and the vice president, the recording secretary shall call the L.U. meeting to order and the L.U. shall name a temporary chair- man. (This does not apply to the business manager.)

    Sec. 18. All o?cers, at the expiration of their terms of o?ce, shall deliver to their successors all books, papers, money, and other property in their possession belonging to the I.B.E.W. or the L.U. and shall not be relieved from their bond or obligation until this has been done.

    Sec. 19. All o?cers, appointees, or employees shall turn over all books, papers, and property of the L.U. in their pos- session to the I.P. or his representative upon his demand.

    ART. 16                                    56


    Sec. 20. No o?cer of a L.U., Railroad System Council, or System Council shall improperly use, or allow anyone to improperly use, the mailing list of members to communicate with them regarding union politics or candidates for union o?ce. Any o?cer having such a list shall be held personally liable for its misuse.



    Sec. 1. The L.U. president shall be held responsible for the strict enforcement of this Constitution and the rules herein and the L.U. bylaws. He shall be held personally liable and subject to penalty by the I.P. for failure to conduct orderly meetings or failure to carry out the responsibilities and duties imposed upon him herein.

    He is empowered and shall do as follows:

    1. Preside at all meetings of the L.U. and see that each meeting is promptly adjourned not later than 11 p.m. prevail- ing time. When he deems it necessary to preserve order, he shall appoint members to aid him in doing so and in carrying out his rulings.
    2. He shall promptly have removed from the meeting room any intoxicated member, any disturber, or anyone not conducting himself in an orderly way, or anyone who disturbs the harmony or peace of the meeting, or who fails promptly to abide by his rulings or the action of the meeting. He shall suspend from attendance at any meeting any mem- ber who commits any of these o?enses, for the balance of

    57                                    ART. 17


    such meeting, and he shall see to it that such member shall not be allowed to reenter the meeting for the remainder of the meeting. He may repeat the sentence of suspension at any subsequent meeting at which an o?ender persists in such conduct.

    1. He shall decide all questions of order according to the parliamentary rules stated herein, and have the deciding vote in case of a tie, and see that all assessments are paid and all penalties enforced.
    2. He shall appoint all committees; act as an ex-o?cio member of all committees; appoint all delegates to central, trades, and political councils or bodies with which the L.U. is a?liated. Where the L.U. has a business manager, then he and any of his assistants shall be named by the president as delegates to the Building and Construction Trades Council and to the Metal Trades Council; and he shall appoint the registrar as delegate to conferences of bodies on political ed- ucation and activity with which the L.U. is a?liated. The president shall consult and cooperate with the business man- ager (where the L.U. has one) on all appointments.
    3. He shall see that all committees perform the duties as- signed to them within a reasonable time. He shall promptly remove any committee member not performing his duties and appoint another.

    He shall see that the registrar promotes political education and activity as determined by the L.U.; keeps such records as are found to be necessary to encourage all members to register and vote; and keeps the membership informed on candidates worthy of support and pending legislation of vital importance to the country, the community, and the members of the L.U.

    ART. 17                                    58

    1. He shall either appoint an auditing committee of three members, or he or the L.U. Executive Board, as the L.U. decides, shall employ a public accountant to reconcile the books and accounts of the L.U. every three (3) months. He shall inspect the bank book or books of the treasurer to see that L.U. moneys turned over to the treasurer have been properly and promptly deposited in the name of the L.U.

    In addition, he shall employ a certi?ed public accountant to perform an annual independent audit of the books and accounts of the L.U., in accordance with U.S. generally ac- cepted auditing standards or their international equivalent; provided, however, should the L.U. believe it would be cost prohibitive to conduct such an annual independent audit, the

    L.U. can request a waiver from the I.S.T.

    1. He shall see that all funds of the L.U. are deposited in a reputable bank or banks in the name of the L.U., subject to withdrawal by check signed in the name of the L.U. and countersigned by the president and treasurer, and see that no disbursements are made except on an order countersigned by the R.S. and himself after action of the L.U. However, no action of the L.U. is necessary to pay regular or standing bills such as rent, salaries, and payments due the I.S.T.
    2. He shall notify in writing any bank, or all banks, in which the L.U. makes deposits, that the L.U. empowers the

    I.P. to stop withdrawal of any L.U. funds when in the judg- ment of the I.P. such action is necessary to protect the L.U. and its members. He shall notify such bank or banks that they are to honor and abide by any notice from the I.P. to stop withdrawals should the occasion arise. He shall send to the

    I.S.T. a copy of such letter or notice to any bank or banks to be made a matter of record.

    59                                    ART. 17

    1. He shall see that the amount of bonds on the L.U. of- ?cers and employees is su?cient to protect the L.U. against any loss. The minimum bond shall be ?ve-thousand dollars ($5,000), and the bonds are to be made through the I.O.
    2. He shall cooperate with the business manager of the L.U., if the L.U. has one, and shall not work in con?ict with him. Where the L.U. has no business manager, the duties normally performed by the business manager shall be per- formed by the president, who is then both president/business manager, except where the L.U. is a?liated with a Railroad System Council or has a general chairman. The president shall keep accurate statistics, or see to it that such statistics as required by the I.P. are kept by the F.S. or person designat- ed, and shall cooperate fully with the Research Department of the I.B.E.W.

    He shall perform such other duties as are prescribed here- in, or may be assigned to him by his L.U. when such duties are not in con?ict with this Constitution and these rules.

    Vice President

    Sec. 2. The vice president shall assist the president in the discharge of his duties and shall ?ll his place in case of the president’s absence and perform such other duties as are re- quired by this Constitution and the bylaws of the L.U.

    Recording Secretary

    Sec. 3. The R.S. shall keep correct minutes of each meeting of the L.U.; answer all correspondence in accordance with instructions given him by the L.U. or the president; make out all orders on the treasurer for the payment of authorized bills;

    ART. 17                                    60


    notify the I.S.T. of all changes in o?cers, giving names and addresses; and perform such other duties as are directed by the president or required by this Constitution and the bylaws of the L.U.

    Financial Secretary

    Sec. 4. The F.S. shall keep such books and records, and issue such receipts, as are required or approved by the I.S.T. He may, when necessary and when approved by the L.U., employ an assistant or assistants. He shall be responsible for all moneys collected by the L.U. until such funds are turned over to the treasurer or deposited in the L.U.’s bank account without delay. When he deposits any L.U. funds, he shall furnish the treasurer with the bank record of all such de- posits not later than the close of the month. He shall make known to the L.U. the receipts received at such time as the

    L.U. decides. He shall mail to the I.S.T. the per capita re- port, and the money due, by the tenth (10th) of the month, unless special arrangements with the I.S.T. are made. (The L.U. shall be responsible to the I.S.T. for such payments.) If the F.S. fails to do this as required, the L.U. may be assessed an amount determined appropriate by a policy developed by the I.S.T. He shall keep a record of each member, the full name and address, and notify the I.S.T. of all suspended or expelled members.

    Sec. 5. The F.S. of each railroad L.U. shall also collect all moneys and fees due Railroad System Councils, and forward these to the council secretary on or before the tenth (10th) of the month. He shall make reports on o?cial triplicate forms provided by the I.S.T., sending one to the council secretary, one to the I.S.T., and keeping one for the L.U. records. He

    61                                    ART. 17


    shall also send on or before the tenth (10th) of the month a list giving the complete standing of members, showing members admitted, those leaving with Traveling Cards, suspended, expelled, or dropped from the rolls, and those not working.

    Sec. 6. The F.S. shall submit his books and records for in- spection or audit when called upon by the I.P., the I.S.T., the

    L.U. president, or Executive Board.


    Sec. 7. The treasurer shall receive from the F.S. all mon- eys collected or the bank record of money deposited in the L.U.’s bank account and give proper receipt for the same. He shall deposit all L.U. moneys turned over to him by the

    F.S. in a bank or banks designated by the L.U. in the name of the L.U. He shall make no disbursements without sanction of the L.U., except for payments of regular or standing bills such as rent, salaries, and payments to the I.S.T., which do not require a vote of the L.U., and upon an order or warrant signed by the president and the R.S. He shall make an item- ized statement to the L.U. as and when required by the L.U. or the president. He shall submit his books and records for inspection or audit when called upon by the I.P., the I.S.T., the L.U. president, or Executive Board.

    Business Manager (Where a L.U. has one)

    Sec. 8. The business manager shall be the principal o?cer of the L.U. and shall be held responsible to the L.U. and to the I.P. for results in organizing his jurisdiction, for estab- lishing friendly relations with employers, and for protecting the jurisdiction of the I.B.E.W. It shall be his responsibility to keep accurate statistics, or to see that such statistics as re-

    ART. 17                                    62


    quired by the I.P. are kept, and shall cooperate fully with the Research Department of the I.B.E.W. The business manager or his designee shall serve as a permanent member of the ne- gotiating committee and serve as a trustee on all trust funds of the L.U. provided for in the collective bargaining agree- ments. He shall attend all meetings of the L.U. Executive Board and have a voice but no vote. He shall have such au- thority and perform such other duties as are provided in this Constitution or may be provided for in the L.U. bylaws.

    Executive Board

    Sec. 9. The L.U. Executive Board shall meet between reg- ular meetings of the L.U. It shall have the power to take any action that the L.U. can take, and which should be taken prior to the next regular meeting of the L.U. Matters referred to the board by the business manager, or any of his assistants or the general chairman of a Railroad System Council, shall take precedence over all other matters before the board.

    Sec. 10. A quorum of the board shall consist of the major- ity of its members.

    Sec. 11. The board shall see that all members, o?cers, or others who are not entitled to remain in the board meetings, shall retire after they have been heard and submitted their business to the board. When a board member is directly in- terested or involved in any case before the board, he or she shall retire.

    Sec. 12. The Executive Board shall act as the trial board; hear all charges; and try all members, except o?cers and representatives of L.U.’s, Railroad System Councils, and System Councils, for any violation of this Constitution, or the bylaws and working rules of the L.U. (See Article XXV.)

    63                                    ART. 17


    No board member shall sit in a case that a?ects his own employer or that involves a member working for the same employer. In such case, the board member shall be disquali- ?ed and the president of the L.U. shall appoint a substitute or substitutes. If the president is a member of the board and is disquali?ed, then the vice president shall appoint a substitute or substitutes. If the vice president is also disquali?ed, then the substitute or substitutes shall be named by the remaining board members. The portion of this paragraph that refers to an employer shall not apply to those L.U.’s where at least seventy-?ve percent (75%) of the membership is in the em- ploy of one employer.

    The board may reopen and reconsider any case or cases, when it feels the facts or circumstances justify doing so, any time within thirty (30) days from the date the decision was rendered, and it shall do so when directed by the I.V.P. or I.P.

    Sec. 13. The board shall submit a report of its actions and ?ndings to each regular meeting of the L.U. for approval, except that no approval or disapproval is to be made or action taken by the L.U., nor is any discussion to be allowed when the board reports on the cases of members charged with vio- lations of this Constitution or the bylaws and working rules of the L.U.

    Sec. 14. The Executive Board shall cooperate fully with other o?cers and the representatives of the L.U. to the end that the interests of the L.U. and its members may be prop- erly protected and advanced. The board shall perform such other duties as are outlined in this Constitution or as may be provided for in the bylaws of the L.U.

    ART. 17                                    64



    Sec. 1. L.U.’s shall collect dues from members either monthly or quarterly in advance. The L.U. monthly dues shall be not less than ?fty cents ($.50) in addition to applica- ble per capita tax and assessments due the I.O.

    Sec. 2. All assessments imposed shall be charged by the

    F.S. against the member as regular dues and must be paid within the time required to protect the member’s continuous good standing and bene?ts.

    Sec. 3. No assessment shall be levied by the L.U. except by a majority vote of the members present, and no assess- ment can be ordered upon the night of its introduction, but must be laid over for at least two (2) weeks for consideration.

    Sec. 4. All disbursements must be on an order drawn by the treasurer signed by the president and recording secretary. However, no action of the L.U. is necessary for payment of regular or standing bills such as rent, salaries, and payments to the I.S.T.

    Sec. 5. The funds and property of a L.U. shall be used only for such purposes as are approved by the I.P., or as are speci- ?ed in this Constitution and as may be necessary to transact, properly manage, and conduct its business.

    Sec. 6. The funds and property cannot be divided among the members individually, except in the form of such bene?ts as may be provided by the L.U. after approval of the I.P.

    Sec. 7. The funds and property are for the legitimate pur- poses of the L.U. while ?ve (5) members remain therein. Should a L.U. ?nally dissolve, its charter, books, papers, and funds shall at once be forwarded to the I.S.T.

    65                                    ART. 18



    Sec. 1. Any worker coming under the I.B.E.W.’s jurisdic- tion, of good character and not less than sixteen (16) years of age, is eligible for membership, provided he passes a satis- factory examination when required to do so by the L.U.

    Sec. 2. If, after being admitted to membership, it is later found upon investigation that a member is not su?ciently acquainted with the branch or type of work on which he is engaged to earn or command the established wages, then a

    L.U. can, through its Executive or Examining Board or a spe- cially appointed committee, require such member to revert to the proper apprentice grade and pay rate, to attend electrical study classes, or devote time toward becoming a competent, properly informed electrical mechanic or employee.


    Sec. 1. No L.U. can admit an applicant who does not reside in, or who is not employed at the trade, in the jurisdiction of the L.U., unless the L.U. is directed to admit him by the I.P.

    No L.U. can admit any applicant who formerly was a member of the I.B.E.W., or who was suspended or expelled by, or indebted to any L.U., without consent of the I.S.T. and without ?rst consulting the last L.U. of which the applicant was a member in regard to his character and record. The I.P. shall decide any case in dispute.

    No L.U. can admit any applicant for membership who is a member of another L.U. except as a traveler under the provi- sions of Article XXIII. No person may be a member of more than one L.U. at any one time.

    ART. 19 & ART. 20                   66


    Sec. 2. Each applicant for membership shall ?ll out an ap- plication blank furnished or approved by the I.S.T. and an- swer all questions. The original application or a copy must be sent to the I.S.T.

    Sec. 3. The acceptance of an application for member- ship, and the admission of the applicant into any L.U. of the I.B.E.W., constitutes a contract between the member, the L.U., and the I.B.E.W., and between such member and all other members of the I.B.E.W.

    Sec. 4. Each applicant admitted, shall, in the pres- ence of members of the I.B.E.W., repeat and sign the following obligation:

    “I,  (name) , in the presence of members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, promise and agree to conform to and abide by the Constitution and laws of the I.B.E.W. and its L.U.’s. I will further the purposes for which the I.B.E.W. is instituted. I will bear true allegiance to it and will not sacri?ce its interest in any manner.”

    Sec. 5. The obligation card signed by the applicant shall be sent to the I.S.T.

    The L.U. shall have each applicant, except as provided in Section 10 of this article, take the obligation before a regu- lar meeting or outside the regular meeting in the presence of the president or the vice president or the business manager or the business manager’s designated representative or the recording secretary.

    Sec. 6. Each applicant shall pay the admission fee ?xed by the bylaws of the L.U. to which he applies, or such fee as approved by the I.P. and ten percent (10%) or more of such

    67                                    ART. 20


    fee must accompany the application. Admission must be completed within ninety (90) days after application is made.

    Sec. 7. The names of all applicants shall be read or posted at a regular meeting of the L.U. The president shall appoint a committee to pass and report upon the applications, or the Executive Board may perform this function as the L.U. may decide.

    Sec. 8. If the applicant or applicants are reported upon fa- vorably, a ballot or vote may be taken as the L.U. may de- cide, except as provided in Article XV. If an applicant(s) is rejected, his or their names shall not again be proposed for membership for six (6) months, and the admission fee shall be returned to the applicant. If an applicant is rejected for membership and the reasons for rejection are found to be without just cause, the L.U. shall be directed by the I.P. to immediately accept the applicant into membership.

    Sec. 9. Any candidate failing to present himself for ad- mission within one (1) month after his election and noti?- cation thereof, unless he gives good and su?cient reasons, forfeits his admission fee and cannot again be proposed for six (6) months.

    Sec. 10. Any worker or employee coming under the I.B.E.W.’s jurisdiction and residing where there is no L.U., who can qualify according to this Constitution, may become a member by ?lling out a regular application and sending it to the L.U. having jurisdiction; and, if accepted, he shall sign the obligation card and send it to the L.U.

    The I.S.T. may accept such an applicant directly if he feels there are good reasons for doing so.

    ART. 20                                    68


    Sec. 11. In the case of an organizing campaign, Sections 7, 8, and 9 of this article may be waived by the I.P.

    ARTICLE XXI                    MEMBERS IN ARREARS

    Sec. 1. No member is entitled to notice of the monthly or quarterly dues of his L.U., nor of arrearages, but must take notice when payments are due.

    Sec. 2. When a member’s working card has expired, he at once, without notice, stands suspended from all L.U. bene?ts.

    Sec. 3. Any member indebted to his L.U. for three (3) months’ dues, or having any past due indebtedness to the

    I.B.E.W. for per capita tax or assessments, shall stand sus- pended, and the L.U. may refuse to accept dues from any member who is indebted to it. Such member cannot be rein- stated until all indebtedness has been paid, unless waived by the L.U. However, dues cannot be waived.

    (However, when any “BA” member is working under an agreement requiring monthly payment of dues, a grace peri- od of only twenty-one (21) days—after the ?rst of the month following the indebtedness—shall be allowed unless the grace period is extended by the L.U. involved.)

    Sec. 4. Any member indebted to his L.U. for six (6) months’ full dues shall be dropped from membership by the

    F.S. and cannot become a member in good standing again in the I.B.E.W. except by joining as a new member.

    (However, when any “BA” member is working under an agreement requiring monthly payment of dues, a grace period of only twenty-one (21) days—after the ?rst of the month following the indebtedness—shall be allowed before

    69                                    ART. 21


    being dropped from membership, unless the grace period is extended by the L.U. involved.)

    Sec. 5. A member who has been assessed by a L.U. trial board, who is appealing the assessment and making the re- quired monthly payments in accordance with Article XXV, Section 13, retains his good standing status until the appeal process in Article XXV has been exhausted.

    Sec. 6. Members who are suspended forfeit all rights and previous standing in the I.B.E.W., including any pension or death bene?ts payable from the Pension Bene?t Fund.


    Sec. 1. Any member suspended for being in arrears for three (3) months, but less than six (6) months, may apply for reinstatement.

    Sec. 2. Any member in arrears, if eligible for reinstate- ment, shall pay his L.U. all arrearages and assessments, and reinstatement fees. “A” members shall pay a reinstatement fee of ten dollars ($10.00) and “BA” members shall pay a re- instatement fee of three dollars ($3.00). Half of all such fees are to be sent to the I.S.T. In addition, all “A” members shall pay a pension reinstatement fee of twenty dollars ($20.00), all of which shall be forwarded to the I.S.T. for the Pension Bene?t Fund. Reinstated members shall retain their former card number. Any reinstated applicant shall be subject to the limitations imposed by this Constitution.

    Sec. 3. A reinstated member shall not be entitled to any

    L.U. bene?ts until six (6) months after reinstatement.

    ART. 22                                    70


    Sec. 4. Reinstated members’ standing in the I.O. shall be the same as that of new members except as provided in Section 5 of this article.

    Sec. 5. For pension purposes only, an “A” member sus- pended because of an arrearage in his dues who is reinstated pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution, shall be re- stored to the continuous good standing he enjoyed prior to his suspension.

    ARTICLE XXIII                        TRAVELING CARDS

    Sec. 1. Any member working in a di?erent L.U.’s jurisdic- tion shall be admitted to its meeting, provided that he pres- ents his o?cial receipt for dues showing he is a member in good standing and he identi?es himself as the rightful owner of such receipt, but he will have no voice or vote at such meeting, except as required by law.

    Any member visiting a di?erent L.U. may be admitted to its meeting at the option of the L.U., provided that he presents his o?cial receipt for dues showing he is a member in good standing and identi?es himself as the rightful owner of such receipt, but he will have no voice or vote at such meeting.

    Sec. 2. Any member desiring to transfer his membership may apply to the F.S. for a Traveling Card for a stated time not to exceed three (3) months. This card shall be null and void unless deposited in some L.U. or renewed by the L.U. granting it on or before the date of its expiration. No frac- tion of a month shall be recognized, and all cards must date from the ?rst day of the month and expire on the last day of the month.

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    Sec. 3. If a member is in continuous good standing and not under charges, the F.S. shall grant the card without a vote of the L.U. upon payment of all dues in advance for the full time for which the card is granted.

    Sec. 4. The L.U. issuing the card shall pay the I.S.T. the per capita tax for the time the card holds good. The L.U. shall be held liable for any unpaid per capita tax, premiums, assessments, or other items due the I.O. and that the F.S. ne- glected to collect.

    Sec. 5. Traveling Cards may not be deposited in any L.U. that does not include the type of membership for which the card was issued, unless the member transfers to a type of membership covered by the L.U. In such case, he shall be given credit for the last initiation fee he paid. Nor may a Traveling Card be deposited in a L.U. by a member of an- other L.U. wishing to transfer his membership until and un- less that member has been accepted by the L.U. into which he wishes to transfer. Each L.U. shall have full autonomy to accept or reject all requests for transfers (except as provided in Section 10).

    Sec. 6. No member shall work in the jurisdiction of anoth- er L.U. until his Traveling Card has been accepted, or he re- ceives a working card, except by consent of the I.P. in special cases, and except in cases where L.U.’s allow their members to work by agreement or understanding in the jurisdiction of each other.

    Any member violating this provision is subject to assess- ment at the discretion of that L.U., but the assessment shall not exceed the wages earned by such member while the vio- lation continued. However, any member violating the work-

    ART. 23                                    72


    ing rules of another L.U. shall be subject to such punishment as decided by the L.U.

    Sec. 7. When a member is away and sends dues to his home L.U., the F.S. of the home L.U. shall notify the L.U. of the same branch of the trade in whose jurisdiction the mem- ber is located, giving his name, address, and card number.

    Sec. 8. A member not having ?ve (5) years continuous good standing in the I.B.E.W. shall pay any di?erence in ad- mission or initiation fee to the L.U. to which he applies. No

    L.U. shall require a member to pay any such di?erence at a greater rate than one dollar ($1.00) a day for each day he works. The L.U. may require him to pass its examination.

    Sec. 9. No member of the same branch of trade with ?ve

    1. years or more continuous good standing shall be required to take any examination or pay any di?erence in admission fee, except when he changes his classi?cation within the same branch, if the L.U. so decides. (This applies within a L.U. or when transferring to another L.U.) No member with ?ve (5) years or more continuous good standing—transfer- ring to a di?erent branch of the trade—shall be required to pay any di?erence in admission fee. However, he shall pass a practical examination if the L.U. so decides.

    Sec. 10. No L.U. shall refuse to accept promptly the card of and readmit any member into his home L.U. provided he has maintained his continuous good standing in the I.B.E.W. while absent from the L.U. The L.U. where a member was originally admitted into the I.B.E.W. shall be considered his home L.U. Where a L.U. or any part thereof has been amal- gamated into another L.U., that L.U. shall be considered the home L.U.

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    When the member has changed his classi?cation during this absence, his home L.U. is required to accept his card and change his classi?cation back to the same classi?cation he had when he left his home L.U.

    No L.U. shall collect any di?erence in admission fee from a member who was admitted by the L.U. and who has main- tained his continuous good standing in the I.B.E.W. during his absence from the L.U., except in cases where the L.U. permits a change of classi?cation on his return to the L.U., and the L.U. has established a di?erence in fees between the two (2) classi?cations.

    Sec. 11. The member’s dues shall begin the ?rst of the month after acceptance of his card. Any dues paid in advance of this date shall be returned to him by his former L.U. less the per capita tax.

    Sec. 12. Any member leaving the jurisdiction of a L.U. owing just debts to it shall be required to pay up to the rate of not less than one dollar ($1.00) for each day worked and shall pay up within six (6) months of notice or be dropped from membership. The indebtedness shall be collected by the F.S. of the L.U. in which the member has deposited his card. In no case shall a new Traveling Card be issued to such member until his indebtedness is paid.

    Sec. 13. A member admitted on a Traveling Card shall not vote on questions of agreement, trouble, or wages, until six

    1. months after his card has been accepted, nor shall he be permitted to vote in the L.U. election unless he has been a member in that L.U. sixty (60) days prior to the election.

    This section shall not be applicable to members of L.U.’s a?liated with Railroad System Councils or System Councils

    ART. 23                                    74


    who are employed by a single employer and who transfer between L.U.’s within the council, provided, however, any such member must have been a member in continuous good standing in one of the L.U.’s a?liated with such council for six (6) months or sixty (60) days as speci?ed above.


    Sec. 1. Any member who becomes an electrical employer, a partner in an electrical employing concern, a general man- ager, or any other managerial position, or who retires from his trade, may apply to the F.S. for a withdrawal card. It shall require a majority vote at a meeting to grant such card. But the L.U. has the right to require such a member to take out a withdrawal card if it so decides.

    Sec. 2. Any member receiving a Participating Withdrawal Card and desiring to maintain his standing in the I.B.E.W. shall deposit the duplicate portion of the withdrawal card in the I.O. and pay his per capita tax in advance to the I.S.T., as well as any I.O. assessments, and he shall be entitled to all bene?ts of the I.B.E.W. as long as he complies with its laws and maintains his continuous good standing. The Participating Withdrawal Card shall not entitle the holder to any L.U. bene?ts or admittance to any L.U. meeting. Upon returning to the trade, the recipient of this card shall deposit it in the L.U. which issued it. No member on participating withdrawal is entitled to notice of any payments due the I.O.

    Sec. 3. Any member not desiring to maintain his stand- ing who retires from the trade or is unemployed, or in such other cases as may be decided by the L.U., may be issued

    75                                    ART. 24


    an Honorary Withdrawal Card provided dues are paid for the previous month or the current month if the application is made after the ?fteenth (15th) of such month.

    Upon returning to the trade, or again becoming employed, and having complied with this article, he shall deposit his withdrawal card in the L.U. that issued it and continue mem- bership by paying the current month dues. No new initiation fee is necessary, except that any “A” member shall pay the two dollar ($2.00) fee as required in Article IX, Section 5.

    Sec. 4. “BA” members not employed under the jurisdiction of the L.U. for at least a month can be shown as on honorary withdrawal without actual issuance of the card, unless the

    L.U. bylaws provide otherwise. O?cers of the L.U. are not entitled to withdrawal status without forfeiture of their o?ce.

    However, a “BA” member, shown as on honorary with- drawal or having an Honorary Withdrawal Card not exceed- ing two (2) months, may retain his continuous good standing in the L.U., and eligibility for L.U. o?ce and as delegate to the I.C., by paying dues for the months of unemployment before becoming indebted to his L.U. for three (3) months’ dues had he been employed.

    Sec. 5. The validity of any withdrawal card shall be de- pendent upon the good conduct of the member. It can be an- nulled by any L.U. or by the I.P. for violation of the laws of the I.B.E.W., or the bylaws and rules of any L.U., or for working with or employing nonmembers of the I.B.E.W. to perform electrical work, or for any action of the holder det- rimental to the interests of the I.B.E.W. Membership in the

    I.B.E.W. is automatically terminated upon annulment of any withdrawal card.

    ART. 24                                    76


    A member on withdrawal may be subject to charges, trial, and appropriate penalty in accordance with provisions of this Constitution.



    Sec. 1. Any member may be penalized for committing any one or more of the following o?enses:

    1. Violation of any provision of this Constitution and the rules herein, or the bylaws, working agreements, or rules of a L.U.
    2. Having knowledge of the violation of any provision of this Constitution, or the bylaws or rules of a L.U., yet failing to ?le charges against the o?ender or to notify the proper o?cers of the L.U.
    3. Obtaining membership through fraudulent means or by misrepresentation, either on the part of the member himself or others interested.
    4. Engaging in activities designed to bring about a with- drawal or secession from the I.B.E.W. of any L.U. or of any member or group of members, or to cause dual unionism or schism within the I.B.E.W.
    5. Engaging in any act or acts that are contrary to the mem- ber’s responsibility toward the I.B.E.W., or any of its L.U.’s, as an institution, or which interfere with the performance by the I.B.E.W. or a L.U. with its legal or contractual obligations.
    6. Working for, or on behalf of, any employer, employer supported organization, or other union, or the representatives

    77                                    ART. 25


    of any of the foregoing, whose position is adverse or detri- mental to the I.B.E.W.

    1. Wronging a member of the I.B.E.W. by any act or acts (other than the expression of views or opinions) causing him physical or economic harm.
    2. Entering or being present at any meeting of a L.U., or its Executive Board, or any committee meeting while intoxi- cated, or drinking intoxicants in or near any such meeting, or carrying intoxicants into such meeting.
    3. Disturbing the peace or harmony of any L.U. meeting or meeting of its Executive Board, using abusive language, creating or participating in any disturbance, drinking intox- icants, or being intoxicated, in or around the o?ce or head- quarters of a L.U.
    4. Making known the business of a L.U., directly or indi- rectly, to any employer, employer supported organization, or other union, or to the representatives of any of the foregoing.
    5. Fraudulently receiving or misappropriating any mon- eys of a L.U. or the I.B.E.W.
    6. Causing or engaging in unauthorized work stoppages or strikes or other violation of the laws and rules of the I.B.E.W. or its L.U.’s.
    7. Willfully committing fraud in connection with voting for candidates for L.U. o?ce, or for delegates to conventions.

    (It shall not be considered an o?ense when a L.U. mails out or posts in a conspicuous place a sample of the o?cial ballot to be used in any L.U. election. However, the sample shall not carry any markings of any kind except that the word “SAMPLE” shall appear prominently across the face of the

    ART. 25                                    78


    ballot. The sample shall otherwise be an exact duplicate of the o?cial ballot to be used.)

    1. Notwithstanding the above, and in addition to the sample ballot, a L.U. may distribute an o?cial publication which shall list all candidates for L.U. o?ce, together with a factual record of activities within the L.U., committee assign- ments performed, o?ces held and experience gained for and on behalf of the L.U. This publication shall be prepared under the supervision of the duly designated L.U. Election Board.
    2. The distribution of this o?cial L.U. publication, properly prepared as set forth above, shall not be in violation of Article XVI, Section 20.
    3. Soliciting advertising for yearbooks, programs, etc., when the name of a L.U. or the I.B.E.W., or the names or pic- tures of L.U. or International O?cers appear in such matter without consent of the I.P. Any member, any o?cer, or rep- resentative of any L.U., or other organization coming under the I.B.E.W.’s jurisdiction, shall be held liable for allowing individuals or agencies to solicit such advertising without consent of the I.P. or for in any way violating this provision.
    4. Failure to install or do his work in a safe, workmanlike manner, or leaving work in a condition that may endanger the lives or property of others, or proving unable or un?t mental- ly, to learn properly his trade.
    5. Causing a stoppage of work because of any alleged grievance or dispute without having consent of the L.U. or its proper o?cers.
    6. Working for any individual or company declared in di?culty with a L.U. or the I.B.E.W., in accordance with this Constitution.

    79                                    ART. 25

    1. Willfully committing fraud in connection with obtain- ing or furnishing credentials for delegates to the I.C. or being connected with any fraud in voting during the I.C.
    2. Allowing another person to use, or altering in any man- ner, his membership card, receipt, or other evidence of mem- bership in the I.B.E.W.

    Any member convicted of any one or more of the above named o?enses may be assessed or suspended, or both, or expelled.

    If an o?cer or representative of a L.U. is convicted of any one or more of the above named o?enses, he may be removed from o?ce or position, or assessed or suspended, or both, or expelled.

    If a member, or o?cer or representative of a L.U., is as- sessed and fails to pay the assessment, a lawsuit may be ?led to collect the unpaid assessment.

    Charges and Trials

    Sec. 2. All charges, except against o?cers and representa- tives of L.U.’s, shall be heard and tried by the L.U. Executive Board, which shall act as the trial board in accordance with Article XVII. A majority vote of the board shall be su?cient for decision and sentence.

    (This section shall not be construed to con?ict with the power of the I.P. or the I.E.C. to take action in certain cases as provided in Articles IV and VIII.)

    Sec. 3. All charges against a member or members must be presented in writing; signed by the charging party; and specify the section or sections of this Constitution, the by-

    ART. 25                                    80


    laws, rules, or working agreement allegedly violated. The charges must state the act or acts considered to be in viola- tion, including approximate relevant dates or places.

    Sec. 4. Charges against members must be submitted to the

    R.S. of the L.U. in whose jurisdiction the alleged act or acts took place within sixty (60) days of the time the charging party ?rst became aware, or reasonably should have been aware, of the alleged act or acts. The charges shall be read out but not discussed at the next regular meeting of the L.U. following the ?ling of the charges. The R.S. shall immediate- ly send a copy of such charges to the accused member at his last known address together with written notice of the time and place he shall appear before the trial board.

    Sec. 5. The trial board shall proceed with the case not later than forty-?ve (45) days from the date the charges were read at the L.U. meeting or Executive Board meeting. The board shall grant a reasonable delay to the accused when it feels the facts or circumstances warrant such a delay. The accused shall be granted a fair and impartial trial. He must, upon re- quest, be allowed an active I.B.E.W. member in good stand- ing to represent him.

    Sec. 6. When the trial board has reached a decision, it shall report its ?ndings, and sentence, if any, to the next regular meeting of the L.U. Such report or action of the board shall not be discussed or acted upon by the L.U. The action of the trial board shall be considered the action of the L.U., and the report of the board shall conclude the case, or cases, except for the accused having the right to appeal to the I.V.P., then to the I.P., then to the I.E.C., and then to the I.C. However, the board may reopen and reconsider any case or cases when it feels the facts or circumstances justify doing so any

    81                                    ART. 25


    time within thirty (30) days from the date the decision was rendered. The board shall reopen any case or cases when directed to do so by the I.V.P. or the I.P.

    Sec. 7. If the accused willfully fails to stand trial—or at- tempts to evade trial—the trial board shall proceed to hear and determine the case just as though the accused were present.

    Trials of O?cers and Representatives

    Sec. 8. All charges against an o?cer, Examining Board member, steward, or representative of a L.U. must be pre- sented in writing; signed by the charging party; and specify the section or sections of this Constitution, the bylaws, rules, or working agreement violated. The charges must state the act or acts considered to be in violation, including approx- imate relevant dates and places; and must be made within sixty (60) days of the time the charging party ?rst became aware, or reasonably should have been aware, of the alleged act or acts.

    Such charges must be ?led with the I.V.P. in whose dis- trict the L.U. is located where the alleged act or acts took place, or as directed by the I.P., should more than one district be involved.

    (This section shall not be construed to con?ict with the power of the I.P. or the I.E.C. to take action in certain cases as provided in Articles IV and VIII.)

    Sec. 9. The I.V.P. shall pass upon and determine such cases, with the accused having the right of appeal to the I.P., then to the I.E.C., then to the I.C. Any such appeal, to be rec- ognized, must be made within thirty (30) days from the date of the decision appealed from. No appeal from the I.V.P. shall suspend operation of any decision.

    ART. 25                                    82


    Sec. 10. The I.V.P. may require that all evidence, testimo- ny, or statements be submitted to him in writing for review, decision, and sentence (if any) or he may hear the case in person. If he so decides, he may appoint a referee, who may or may not be a member, to take testimony and report to him.

    Sec. 11. The I.V.P. may reopen any case or cases when there is new evidence or testimony, facts, or circumstances, which he feels are su?cient to justify such being done.


    Sec. 12. Any member penalized or otherwise disciplined by any L.U. trial board may appeal to the I.V.P. any time within forty-?ve (45) days after the date of the action of the

    L.U. trial board. A charging party may not appeal a L.U. trial board decision.

    A copy of any appeal must be ?led with the L.U.

    Sec. 13. No appeal for revocation of an assessment shall be recognized unless the member has ?rst paid the assess- ment, which he can do under protest. When the assessment exceeds ?fty dollars ($50.00), payments of not less than forty dollars ($40.00) in monthly installments must be made until the assessment is paid or until a ?nal decision on the appeal is made, whichever occurs ?rst. The ?rst monthly installment must be made within ?fteen (15) days from the date of the decision rendered and monthly installments continued there- after or the appeal will not be considered. A member who has been assessed by a L.U. trial board, who is appealing the assessment and making the required monthly payments in accordance with this section, retains his good standing status until the appeal process in this article has been exhausted.

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    Sec. 14. When a decision has been rendered by the I.V.P., it shall become e?ective immediately.

    Sec. 15. No appeals from decisions of the I.V.P., or from the I.P., or from the I.E.C., shall be recognized unless the party or parties appealing have complied with the decision from which they have appealed. However, this section may be waived by the party making the decision if good and su?- cient reasons are furnished and he is requested to do so.

    Sec. 16. Appeals to the I.P., the I.E.C., and the I.C., to be considered, must be made within thirty (30) days from the date of the decision appealed from. (Appeals to the I.E.C. and to Conventions must be ?led with the I.S.T.) If no ap- peal is made within thirty (30) days from the date that any decision is rendered, such decision shall be considered ?nal. A charging party may not appeal a decision of the I.V.P., the I.P., or the I.E.C.

    Sec. 17. When an appeal is taken above the I.V.P., only the evidence submitted in the original case of appeal shall be considered.

    In cases where parties claim they have new and import- ant evidence a?ecting a case in which a decision has been rendered, they may submit this within thirty (30) days to the authority who rendered the ?rst decision, with a request that the case be reopened. Such authority shall decide whether the matter submitted justi?es reopening the case.

    ARTICLE XXVI                                JURISDICTION

    Sec. 1. The charter issued this organization by the American Federation of Labor states that it was granted “for the purpose of a thorough organization of the trade.”

    ART. 26                                    84


    There must be a systematized knowledge of the science of electricity in all of its various applications of electron transfer and electromagnetism. This requires a thorough un- derstanding of the many means of production, transference, control, and utilization of electricity and of the foundation or preparatory work to be performed. It is quite necessary, therefore, that the jurisdiction of the I.B.E.W. be recognized as one covering:

    1. The manufacture, assembling, construction, instal- lation or erection, repair or maintenance of all materials, equipment, apparatus, and appliances required in the produc- tion of electricity and its e?ects.
    2. The operation, inspection, and supervision of all electrical equipment, apparatus, appliances, or devices by which the energy known as electricity is generated, utilized, and controlled.
    3. The manufacture, assembling, construction, installa- tion or erection, repair or maintenance of all materials, equip- ment, apparatus, and appliances required in the transmission of data, voice, sound, video, and other emerging technolo- gies (including ?ber optics, high speed data cable, etc.).

    Sec. 2. Electrical workers shall be organized under ?ve

    (5) general branches of the I.B.E.W., namely: Outside and Utility Workers; Inside Electrical Workers; Communications Workers; Railroad Electrical Workers; and Electrical Manufacturing Workers.

    Sec. 3. Keeping in mind progress for the I.B.E.W., and that all electrical work be done by its members, it is impractical to classify or divide jurisdiction of work in every detail between the various branches in this organization to meet all situa-

    85                                    ART. 26


    tions in all localities. Therefore, the classi?cations and divi- sions outlined below are necessarily of a general nature, and L.U.’s whose jurisdiction with other L.U.’s of the I.B.E.W., or whose agreements are harmonious and conducive to the progress of the I.B.E.W., shall not be disturbed. But when harmony and progress do not prevail, or when disputes arise, the I.P. shall determine what L.U. will do certain work or jobs, consistent with the progress and best interests of the

    I.B.E.W. in obtaining and controlling the work in question.

    Outside and Utility Workers

    Sec. 4. These shall include: foremen, linemen, electrical rail grinders, groundmen, and helpers; outside electrical in- spectors, cable splicers, technicians, trimmers, maintenance men, and clerical workers; aerial and underground cable men and combination trouble men working for distributing companies; load dispatchers, metermen, station attendants, and switchboard operators in lighting and power stations; telephone switchboard operators and trouble men working for distributing companies; ?re and police operators, main- tenance and battery men, signalmen, and electrical layout men; and operators of electrical apparatus when generating, furnishing, or supplying electricity.

    All employees of utility employers generating or produc- ing or transmitting or distributing electricity, gas, or water.

    They are to have jurisdiction over the following:

    The operation, maintenance, and repair of equipment owned or operated by utility employers; all electrical con- struction work outside of isolated plants and the property lines of any given property, but not electric signs, and not

    ART. 26                                    86


    street electrical decorations, except when messenger or guy wire is necessary for support and when fed and controlled from the street.

    Series arc lamps and wiring when fed and controlled from the street; all line work consisting of wood, concrete, or metal (or substitutes therefor) poles or towers, including wires, cables, or other apparatus supported therefrom; and line work in public, private, or amusement parks.

    All work necessary to the assembling, installation, erec- tion, operation, maintenance, repair, control, inspection, and supervision of all electrical apparatus, devices, wires, cables, supports, insulators, conductors, ducts, and raceways when part of distributing systems outside of buildings, railroads, and outside the directly related railroad property and yards; installing and maintaining the catenary and trolley work on railroad property and bonding of rails; all underground ducts and cables when they are installed by and are part of the system of a distributing company, except in power stations during new construction, including ducts and cables to adja- cent switch racks or substations; and all outdoor substations and electrical connections up to and including the setting of transformers and connecting of the secondary buses thereto.

    Renewable electrical energy sources such as solar pho- tovoltaic, geothermal, wind, biomass, wave, etc., and other distributed energy installations such as fuel cells, microturbines, etc.

    Inside Electrical Workers

    Sec. 5. These shall include: wiremen; technicians; ?xture men; crane men; crane repair men; signal men; load dis-

    87                                    ART. 26


    patchers; trouble men; switchboard operators and erectors; operators of electrical apparatus when generating, supplying, or furnishing electricity for other than distributing compa- nies; inside cable splicers; and picture machine operators when the machines are used for educational or advertisement purposes other than theatrical.

    Inspectors, shop men, bridge operators, crane operators, meter testers and installers, inside battery men, ?re and bur- glar alarm installers and repair men, marine electrical work- ers, glass tube benders, and pumpers.

    They shall have jurisdiction over the following:

    All electrical signs; all street electrical decorations when no messenger or guy wire is necessary for support; instal- lation, construction, inspection, operation, maintenance, and repair of all electrical work in isolated plants and within property lines of any given property, and beginning at the secondary side of the transformer, except line work consist- ing of poles and towers, including wires or cables and other apparatus supported therefrom and except all outdoor substa- tions as de?ned in Section 4 hereof.

    When aerial wires or cables are used to provide electric current for buildings or structures within the property lines of any given property, the inside men’s jurisdiction shall start immediately after the ?rst point of attachment of such aerial wires or cables to such buildings or structures.

    Renewable electrical energy sources such as solar pho- tovoltaic, geothermal, wind, biomass, wave, etc., and other distributed energy installations such as fuel cells, microturbines, etc.

    ART. 26                                    88


    Communications Workers

    Sec. 6. These shall include the following divisions and classi?cations:

    1. Radio, television, and recording engineers, technicians, operators, installers, inspectors, maintenance and repairmen and service men engaged in the application of electricity to the transmission and transference of voice, sound, and vision for commercial, educational, and entertainment purposes, excepting employees of common carrier companies.

    They shall have jurisdiction over the following work:

    The installation, operation, inspection, maintenance, re- pair, and service of radio, television, recording, voice, sound, and vision production and reproduction apparatus, equip- ment, and appliances used for domestic, commercial, educa- tional, and entertainment purposes.

    1. Telephone and other workers, employed by common carrier communications companies, engaged in the erec- tion, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, and service work associated with telephone and intercommunication electrical apparatus used in the transmission, transference, production, and reproduction of voice, sound, and vision in the public or private communications services supplied by common carriers.

    They shall have jurisdiction over the following work:

    The erection, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, and service of such telephone and intercommunication fa- cilities, beginning at the ?rst point of distribution or the ?rst terminal inside of building or property lines.

    89                                    ART. 26


    Railroad Electrical Workers

    Sec. 7. Railroad electrical workers are those employed by railroad companies, including wiremen; technicians; ?xture men; armature winders; meter men; electrical inspectors; switchboard operators; generator, motor, and substation at- tendants; electric crane operators; cable splicers; signal men and signal maintainers; power and telephone linemen and repairmen; ground men; electrical rail grinders; rail bonders; electrical bridge operators; battery men; radio and telecom- munications workers; inside and outside electrical mainte- nance workers; and all other electrical workers employed by railroad companies.

    They shall have jurisdiction over all electrical and com- munications work on the property or right-of-ways owned or operated by the railroad companies.

    It is hereby provided, however, that under no circumstances shall they do any construction or reconstruction work where building trades mechanics are doing work in connection with it. Any dispute will be referred to the I.P. for decision.

    Electrical Manufacturing Workers

    Sec. 8. These shall include: All employees of companies engaged in the manufacture of products, components, equip- ment, apparatus, machines, devices, and appliances used in the production, transmission, conversion, control, distribu- tion, measurement, and utilization of electricity.

    They shall have jurisdiction over the following:

    All work performed by such employees in the manufac- ture, testing, rebuilding, and repair of these products on the premises of the company.

    ART. 26                                    90


    Sec. 9. All government workers may be organized under any of the above general branches of the I.B.E.W., as stated in Section 2.


    Sec. 1. This Constitution and the rules herein can be amended in three ways:

    1. By referendum, on petition of ?fteen (15) L.U.’s of which no two (2) L.U.’s may be from the same state or prov- ince. Petitions may be submitted at any time; however, in convention years, all petitions for referendum must be re- ceived prior to March 1st. All petitions must be submitted to the I.S.T. Proposed amendments, before being submitted by the I.S.T. for vote, must have the approval of the I.E.C. A vote on any proposal taken by referendum shall be returned to the I.S.T. by each L.U. voting, within sixty (60) days from the date submitted. A majority of those voting shall be nec- essary to sustain any proposal. (L.U.’s may cast the vote of their members, if they so decide.) After receiving from the L.U.’s a record of votes cast for or against any proposal, the

    I.S.T. shall prepare for publication in the next issue of the

    I.B.E.W.’s o?cial monthly publication a report of the exact votes for and against the proposed amendment. Amendments adopted by referendum shall become e?ective thirty (30) days after adoption.

    1. If the I.E.C. deems an amendment is necessary, it may have the I.S.T. submit the same to the L.U.’s for vote.

    91                                    ART. 27

    1. By the majority vote represented at a regular session of the I.C., amendments adopted by the I.C. shall become e?ective thirty (30) days after adoption.

    Sec. 2. The I.P. shall appoint a Law Committee consisting of eleven (11) delegates elected to the I.C., at least one from each I.V.P. district. These shall meet in the I.O. ?fteen (15) days prior to the opening of the I.C. This committee shall consider all proposed amendments to be submitted to the I.C., and the committee shall have a printed report ready for the ?rst day’s session of the I.C.

    Only proposed amendments and resolutions approved by L.U.’s and recommendations of International O?cers shall be considered. All these must be submitted to the I.S.T. forty-?ve (45) days prior to the opening of the I.C.

    The compensation of members of the Law Committee shall be ?fty dollars ($50.00) a day and reimbursement for actual expenses. This shall cease the day the I.C. opens.

    Sec. 3. If any section of this Constitution or part thereof should be held inoperative or invalid by a tribunal of com- petent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Constitution, or the application of said section or part thereof to persons and circumstances, other than those to which it has been held invalid, shall not be a?ected thereby.

    The I.E.C. shall have the authority to suspend the opera- tion of such invalid section or part thereof in the event it is declared inoperative or invalid by a tribunal of competent jurisdiction. It is further authorized in those circumstances to substitute an appropriate and legal section for the invalid or inoperative section. The said revised section shall be report- ed to the next succeeding I.C. for its approval or disapproval.

    ART. 27                                    92


    The I.E.C. is also empowered to direct the I.S.T. in his compilation and editing of the new Constitution to make such changes as are necessary to correlate the subject matter.

    Sec. 4. This Constitution was adopted in St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 1891. It was amended in Chicago, Ill., Nov. 1892; Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 1893; Washington, D.C., Nov. 1895; Detroit, Mich., Nov. 1897; Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 1899; St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 1901; Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 1903; Louisville, Ky., Sept. 1905; Chicago, Ill., Sept. and Oct. 1909; Rochester, N.Y., Sept. 1911; Boston, Mass., Sept. 1913; St. Paul, Minn., Sept. and Oct. 1915; by referendum in Feb. 1916; Atlantic City, N.J., Sept. 1917; and by referendum in April 1918 and in March 1919. It was again amended in New Orleans, La., Sept. 1919; St. Louis, Mo., Sept. and Oct. 1921; Montreal, Quebec, Aug. 1923; Seattle, Wash., Aug. 1925; Detroit, Mich., Aug. 1927; Miami, Fla., Sept. 1929; and by referendum in March 1930. It was altered, amend- ed, and revised in Washington, D.C., July 1930 and amend- ed by referendum in April 1931, March 1933, March 1935, May 1935, July 1935, March 1937, and Dec. 1940. It was amended in St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 1941, and by referendum in Sept. 1943 and Dec. 1943. It was amended in San Francisco, Calif., Sept. 1946; and by referendum in April 1947 and July 1947. It was again amended in Atlantic City, N.J., Sept. 1948; Miami, Fla., Oct. 1950; and by referendum in June 1951, Jan. 1952, and Oct. 1952. It was further amended in Chicago, Ill., Aug. and Sept. 1954; and by referendum in July 1955, Nov. 1955, and Aug. 1957. It was amended in Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. and Oct. 1958. Amended March 1959 by the Executive Council as authorized by the 1958 Convention. It was amended in Montreal, Quebec, Sept. 1962; St. Louis,

    93                                    ART. 27


    Mo., Sept. 1966; and Seattle, Wash., Sept. 1970. Amended June 1972 by the Executive Council as authorized in Seattle, Wash., Sept. 1970. Amended in Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 1974. Amended in Atlantic City, N.J., Oct. 1978; amended April 1981 by the Executive Council; amended in Los Angeles, Calif., Sept. 1982; and amended June 1985 by the Executive Council. Amended in Toronto, Ontario, Sept. 1986; amended June 1988 by the Executive Council. Amended in St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 1991. Amended in Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 1996. Select Committee recommendations adopted by referendum in March 1998. Amended in San Francisco, Calif., Sept. 2001. Amended in Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 2006. Amended in Vancouver, British Columbia, Sept. 2011. Amended in St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 2016.

    ART. 27                                    94







    Abbreviations for Names












    of Members




    A?liation of L.U.’s With Other Bodies





    Between L.U.’s and Employers



    6, 9–10

    National—Power of I.P. to

    Enter Into




    Alternates to I.B.E.W. Convention




    Amalgamation of Local Unions




    Amendments to Constitution




    By I.C. Vote




    By I.E.C. Recommendation







    By Referendum





    Members from L.U. to I.V.P.




    Members or L.U. from I.V.P. to

    I.P., or I.E.C., or I.C.









    Local Union in




    Members in












    Payment by Members








    Attorney—For I.B.E.W.











    95                                      INDEX




















    International President




    International Secretary-Treasurer




    Local Union




    Bookkeeping in Local Unions





    Local Union




    14, 16

    Railroad System Council Charters



    2, 6–7




    System Councils






    Against International President




    Against Members




    and Trials









    Railroad System Councils




    Revocation by I.E.C.



    4, 6

    Revocation by I.P.










    System Council




    Claims—Payment Death Bene?t





    International O?cers and













    Constitutional Amendments




    By I.C. Vote




    By I.E.C. Recommendation







    By Referendum














    Amending I.B.E.W. Constitution




    Basis of Representation and Vote,

    “A” and “BA” members




    Change of Date








    Credentials Committee




    Credentials of Delegates




    Date of Regular




    Delegates per L.U.




    Delegates to Other




    Expenses of Delegates




    Fraud in Connection With




    Law Committee




    Order of Business




    Quali?cation, Delegates




    Quali?cation, L.U. Representation








    Rules Committee








    Time for Notifying I.S.T. of

    Election of Delegates




    Transportation for Delegates




    Vote Furnished by I.S.T.

    Councils—see System Councils





    Date International O?cers Assume O?ce




    Dates—Constitution Amended




    Death Bene?ts

    Declaration of the I.B.E.W. Delegates

    Number per L.U.








    Quali?cations, I.B.E.W. Convention




    To I.B.E.W. Convention




    To Other Conventions




    Di?culty With Employers














    Executive Council




    Vice Presidential




    Division of Funds

    26, 27


    1–3, 5–6

    Dual Unionism










    L.U. O?cers




    International O?cers





    Delegates to I.C.




    Delegates to Railroad System Councils




    Delegates to System Councils




    International O?cers




















    Examining Board




    52, 55, 56


    1, 12, 16




    Executive Council









    Executive O?cers—International                                                     Inside Front and Inside Back Covers


    Financial Appeals




    Fraud—At the I.C.





    Death Bene?t (Pension)




    I.B.E.W. Division



    1–3, 5–6

    Investment of I.O.




    INDEX                                      98


    Funds (continued)








    Pension Bene?t





    Honorary Withdrawal Card





    Imperative Mandate




    International Executive Council—Duties of




    International O?cers




    Campaign Contributions




    Compensation and Bene?ts




    Election of




    Eligibility of




    Names and Addresses

    Oath of O?ce


    Inside Front and Inside Back Covers

    III                    6

    Terms of O?ce


    III                    1

    International President—Duties of


    IV              1–4

    International Representatives


    IV              3(d)

    Pensions of


    III                 11

    International Secretary-Treasurer–Duties of


    VI              1–4

    International Vice President—Duties of


    VII                    1




    XXVI               1–9

    Communications Workers


    XXVI                    6

    Electrical Manufacturing Workers


    XXVI                    8

    Government Workers


    XXVI                    9

    Inside Electrical Workers


    XXVI                    5

    Outside and Utility Workers


    XXVI                    4

    Railroad Electrical Workers


    XXVI                    7


    Law Committee


    XXVII                    2

    Laws—Recommended by I.E.C.


    VIII                    8

    Legal Defense Local Union




    X                    1

    XV            9–10







    Local Union (continued)





    Bonds on O?cers












    Compensation of O?cers




    Dues, Assessments, Funds




    Duties of Business Manager




    Duties of Executive Board




    Duties of Financial Secretary




    Duties of O?cers




    Duties of President




    Duties of Recording Secretary




    Duties of Treasurer




    Duties of Vice President




    Election of O?cers







    Employers in Di?culty




    Failure to Hold Meetings




    In Arrears





    Attendance by Employer or Managerial Members







    Attendance by Retirees




    Attendance by Visiting Members Attendance by Working Members

    from Other Locals







    Members, Admission of




    Members in Arrears




    Members, Reinstatement of Members, Suspended for

    Nonpayment of Dues


    69, 70




    3–4, 6


    Order of Business Payments to I.S.T.


    iii 36–38






    48–49, 49–50


    20, 23





    Supervision by I.E.C.




    Supervision by I.P.




    Term of O?cers










    Local Union (continued)

    Trial of O?cers








    Vacancies in O?ces




    Withdraw or Dissolve




    Work Stoppage





    Mail Lists




    Members “A” or “BA”

    Admission of












    Becoming Employers




    L.U.’s , Coverage and Transfer












    Military Service Card




    Misconduct—O?enses and Penalties





    Name and Constitution




    Names and Addresses—International O?cers                                    Inside Front and Inside Back Covers


    Oath of O?ce—International O?cers




    Objects of Organization


    Obligation of Members




    O?enses and Penalties








    Charges and Trials




    Trials of L.U. O?cers and








    Election of




    Pensions of




    Pledge of




    Reports of




    Salaries of




    101                                     INDEX






    Order of Business for L.U.’s Organizers—Compensation of


    iii 15






    Parliamentary Rules Payments

    to I.O.







    to International Secretary-Treasurer









    Bene?t Fund




    Computation of Bene?t




    Death Bene?ts Under








    General Provisions




    I.B.E.W. O?cers and Reps.








    Optional Early Retirement




    Optional Spouse’s Bene?t




    Prohibition of Work








    Waiving of




    Per Capita Tax




    Progress Meetings in I.V.P. Districts





    Quali?cations of Members






    System Council Charters




    System Councils, General Chairmen




    System Councils, Rules for








    Recording Secretary—L.U.








    Constitution Amended by




    INDEX                                     102





    For Special International Convention




    Imperative Mandate











    Reinstatement of Members




    Representation at International Convention




    Research Department, Cooperation With










    Retirement Bene?ts—O?cers, Representatives,

    Assistants in I.B.E.W. Service





    for Apprentices or Helpers











    Railroad Council





    Safety and Health Committee—L.U.




    Secret Ballot—Election by







    Spouse—Pension Provision for







    Stoppage of Work




    System Councils

    Outside the Railroad Industry



    21, 23







    20, 23


    Terms of O?ce

    International O?cers




    Local Union O?cers









    Members Working in Other Locals–

    Attendance at L.U. Meetings




    Trials (Charges)




    L.U. Trial Boards




    O?cers and Representatives
















    O?cers of




    Purpose of





    Vacancy in O?ce of I.P.




    Vice Presidents—Districts





    by “A” and “BA” Members




    Convention–Furnished by I.S.T.





    Withdrawal Cards




    Working Cards—Status of Member




    When Expired




    Work Stoppage




    INDEX                                     104


    Tenth District.................................................................................................. Brent E. Hall

    5726 Marlin Road, Suite 500

    Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411-4043

    Eleventh District.................................................................................... Curtis E. Henke

    6601 Winchester Avenue, Suite 150 Kansas City, Missouri 64133


    Christopher Erikson, Chairman

    158-11 Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Avenue, Fourth Floor Flushing, NY 11365

    First District......................................................................................... Joseph P. Calabro

    1149 Bloom?eld Avenue Clifton, New Jersey 07012

    Second District                                                                                         Myles J. Calvey

    1137 Washington Street, Suite 2

    Dorchester, Massachusetts 02124

    Third District..................................................................................... James D. Burgham

    350 E Western Reserve Road Youngstown, Ohio 44514

    Fourth District......................................................................................... William W. Riley

    1657 NW 17th Avenue Miami, Florida 33125

    Fifth District                                                                                            Frank J. Furco III

    28600 Bella Vista Parkway, Suite 1000

    Warrenville, Illinois 60555

    Sixth District........................................................................................ John E. Easton Jr.

    1475 N Loop West Houston, Texas 77008

    Seventh District..................................................................... Patrick Lavin, Secretary

    600 N Diamond Bar Boulevard Diamond Bar, California 91765

    Eighth District............................................................................................ Ross Galbraith

    138 Neill Street Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3A 2Z6


    International Brotherhood of Electrical Worker

    900 Seventh Street, NW Washington, DC 20001


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