IBEW Local 490
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  • Local 490 Bylaws



    APPROVED: June 17, 2022


    1. Opening

    2. Roll Call of Officers and Reading of Minutes

    3. Communications and Bills

    4. Reports of Executive Board and Officers

    5. Propositions for Membership

    6. Reports on Candidate

    7. Balloting or Voting on Candidates

    8. Obligations of Candidates

    9. Reports of Delegates and

    10. Reports of Accidents

    11. Roll Call of Members

    12. Unfinished Business

    13. New Business (Under this heading comes matters relating to any election and installation of 

    14.  Good of the Union

    15.  Receipts and Expenses

    16.  Closing

    NOTE: This sheet ORDER OF BUSINESS is not part of the Local Union Bylaws. It is attached to the 
    Bylaws to provide rules for the orderly conduct of Local Union meetings. Roll Call of Members is 
    optional to the Local Union and may or may not be used as the Local Union decides.

    Name – Jurisdiction - Objects

    Sec. 1. This Organization shall be known as Local Union #490 of the International Brotherhood of 
    Electrical Workers, Dover, New Hampshire. Local #490 shall have jurisdiction over Inside, 
    Electrical Maintenance and Teledata work as defined in Article XXVI, Section 5, 6, and 8 of the 
    I.B.E.W. Constitution when performed as follows:
    (a) Inside work when performed in the following areas: State of New Hampshire -
    Entire State

    State of Maine -
    York County
    (Alfred, Berwick, Eliot, Kittery, Lebanon, North Berwick, Sanford, South Berwick, and York 

    (b) Electrical Maintenance work when performed at Nashua Corporation, Nashua, New Hampshire.

    (c) Teledata work when performed under the National Teledata Agreement.

    However, the right of the International President to change this jurisdiction is recognized, as 
    provided for in the I.B.E.W. Constitution.

    Sec. 2. The objects of this Local Union shall be to promote by all proper means the material and 
    intellectual welfare of its members.

    Sec. 3. Local Union #490 shall cover the “A” and “BA” types of membership.

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    Sec. 1. Regular meetings shall be held once a month at the time and date as decided by the Local 
    Union. The International office shall be advised of the time, date and location of regular Local 
    Union meetings and also any further changes. The membership shall be notified of any change in 
    regular meeting dates.

    Sec. 2. Only the Business Manager or the Executive Board may call special meetings. The members 
    shall be notified in writing (by mail, leaflets, in the Union newspaper, or on accessible bulletin 
    boards) of any special meeting. No business shall be transacted at any special meeting that for it 
    has been called.

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    Officers – Elections - Duties

    Sec. 1. The officers shall perform such duties as are stated in Article XVII of the
    I.B.E.W. Constitution. In addition, they shall perform such duties as are outlined in these bylaws 
    and such duties as may be assigned to them by the Local Union and which are not in conflict with 
    the I.B.E.W. Constitution and these bylaws.

    Sec. 2. Failure of officers to perform their duties, the suspension or removal of any officer and 
    the filling of any vacancies, shall be dealt with as stated in Article XVI of the
    I.B.E.W. Constitution.

    Sec. 3. All officers and representatives and all employees shall be bonded to the extent required 
    by the International or any applicable Federal or State law whichever is greater. The bond shall be 
    secured through the International and the Local Union shall pay the premium.

    Sec. 4. (a) At the meeting of the Local Union when nominations are made, after nominations have 
    closed, the President shall appoint an Election Judge and as many Tellers as are required, who 
    shall serve as an Election Board to conduct the election. No candidate for any office shall be 
    eligible to serve on this board.

    (b) After nominations have been made and those nominated are found to be qualified, the Election 
    Board shall have ballots prepared, listing in alphabetical order the names of all candidates for 
    each respective office, beginning with President, and continuing in the order named in the I.B.E.W. 
    Constitution. Such ballots shall not contain any identifying numbers or marks, which would identify 
    the voter.

    (c) Members in good standing and qualified to vote who expect to be unable to visit the polls on 
    election day, may at any time within thirty (30) days but no less than five (5) days prior to the 
    date of election, make application in writing to the Election Judge for an absentee ballot. Any 
    such qualified applicant shall be furnished an official ballot and two (2) envelopes. One (1) 
    envelope shall be smaller than the other and shall be marked only with the words OFFICIAL BALLOT. 
    The larger envelope shall be preaddressed to the Election Board and shall contain a space in the 
    upper left-hand corner where the member shall place his/her name and address.

    (d) Upon a member receiving an absentee ballot, he/she shall mark same and enclose it in the 
    smaller envelope marked OFFICIAL BALLOT. This envelope shall then be placed in the larger envelope 
    and mailed to the Election Board in time to be received before the polls are closed on Election 
    Day. The Election Board, after determining the eligibility of the voters, shall open the envelopes, 
    remove the smaller envelope marked OFFICIAL BALLOT, and deposit it in the ballot box with the other 
    ballots. No envelope received later than the time and date as determined and announced by the 
    Executive Board shall be opened by the Election Board.

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    (e) No member receiving an absentee ballot shall be permitted to vote in person at the election, 
    unless he/she has first returned the absentee ballot unmarked to the Election Judge.

    (f) The Financial Secretary shall furnish to the Election Judge not less than ten
    (10) days before the election, an alphabetical list of all members eligible to vote. All members in 
    good standing and qualified shall be entitled to vote.

    (g) The Election Board shall select a depository to which the envelopes containing the absentee 
    ballots shall be mailed. This shall not be the Local Union Post Office Box or the Local Union 
    Headquarters (cost of such depository shall be paid by the Local Union). The Election Board shall 
    advise the Local Union of the location of such depository in sufficient time to prepare the 
    preaddressed envelopes.

    (h) When the polls have closed and voting has ceased, the Election Board shall immediately count 
    and tabulate the ballots. Any candidate may be present or have an
    I.B.E.W. member designated by the candidate, as an observer present during the voting, opening of 
    the absentee ballots, and at the counting of the ballots. The Election Board shall immediately make 
    a report of the election results. All ballots, applications for absentee ballots, and other papers 
    shall be preserved for one (1) year from the date of the election, after which they shall be 
    destroyed unless a question has arisen in connection with the Election.

    (i) Voting shall be by secret ballot.

    (j) Write-in votes shall not be permitted.

    (k) The elections shall be decided for the candidate receiving the most votes for a specific 

    Sec. 5. (a) The officers shall be those provided for in Article XVI of the I.B.E.W. Constitution.

    (b) The offices of Business Manager and Financial Secretary shall be combined.

    Sec. 6. The Executive Board shall consist of the President and six (6) elective members.

    Sec.7. The Examining Board shall consist of five (5) elective members who do not hold any other 
    office, to be elected at large.

    Sec. 8. (a) Nominations for officers shall be held in May 2023, and election of officers shall be 
    held in June 2023 and every three (3) years thereafter, as stated in Article XVI of the I.B.E.W. 
    Constitution. Notice shall be mailed to all members at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting 
    for nominations in election years with all information regarding nominations, list of offices to be 
    filled, date, time, and place of election, and the date,

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    time, and place of run-off election if required. Said notice shall also include all details 
    concerning the availability of the absentee ballot.

    (b) No member shall be a candidate for more than one (1) office, except as provided in these bylaws 
    and with approval of the International President. If nominated for more than one (1) office, the 
    member shall immediately declare for which office he/she will be a candidate. However, this shall 
    not apply to offices which have been combined with the approval of the International President.

    (c) Every candidate shall have the right once within thirty (30) days prior to the election to 
    inspect a list containing the names and last-known addresses of all the members of the Local Union. 
    Such list of members shall be maintained and kept by the Local Union. The membership list shall not 
    be copied for the use of any candidate.

    (d) The Local Union shall comply with all reasonable requests of any bona fide candidate for Local 
    Union Office to distribute his/her campaign literature to the membership at the candidate’s 
    expense. In handling all such requests, the Local Union shall comply with the IBEW Local Union 
    Election Guide and with applicable Department  of  Labor  Regulations  under  the  Labor-Management 
     Reporting  and Disclosure Act of 1959.

    (e) No member shall be eligible for office unless he/she has been a member of Local Union #490 in 
    continuous good standing for at least two (2) years immediately prior to nomination.

    (f) No Apprentice shall be eligible to hold office in the Local Union.

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    Executive Board

    Sec. 1. The duties of the Executive Board are outlined in Article XVII of the I.B.E.W. Constitution 
    and these bylaws.

    Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to investigate all applications for membership 
    and submit its reports to the Local Union for action in accordance with Article XX of the I.B.E.W. 
    Constitution. The preceding sentence shall not apply to apprentices as covered elsewhere in these 
    bylaws. The Executive Board shall also investigate and pass upon all traveling cards in full 
    accordance with Article XXIII of the
    I.B.E.W. Constitution. The Executive Board shall make its final report to the Local Union within 
    sixty (60) days after the application or traveling card has been presented for Board consideration.

    Sec. 3. Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by its Chairman or the Business 

    Sec. 4. (a) The President of the Local Union shall be Chairman of the Board.

    (b) The Board shall elect one of its members as Secretary, who shall keep the minutes of each 
    meeting of the Board and shall promptly furnish a copy each to the Recording Secretary of the Local 
    Union and to the office file.

    Sec. 5. The Executive Board shall meet regularly between regular meetings of the Local Union at 
    such times as it decides.

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    Examining Board

    Sec. 1. The duties of the Examining Board shall be to examine all applicants for membership to 
    determine their qualifications for the trade. They shall examine such qualifications or members as 
    provided in Article XIX of the I.B.E.W. Constitution. This section shall not apply to apprentices 
    as covered elsewhere in these bylaws.

    Sec. 2. The Board shall meet at least once quarterly for the examination of applicants when there 
    are applicants to be examined. The Board shall retain all records of examinations given for at 
    least two (2) years.

    Sec. 3. The Examiners shall furnish a report on the results of all examinations to the Executive 
    Board and the Local Union.

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    Business Manager

    Sec. 1. The Business Manager shall perform such duties as are stated in Article XVII of the 
    I.B.E.W. Constitution and these bylaws. Also, the Business Manager shall perform such other duties 
    as may be assigned by the Local Union and which are not in conflict with the I.B.E.W. Constitution 
    and these bylaws.

    Sec. 2. The Business Manager shall report to the Executive Board and the Local Union when called 
    upon, or when he/she deems such necessary. The Executive Board and Local Union officers shall 
    cooperate with the Business Manager in the performance of the duties of the office and shall not 
    work in conflict with the Business Manager.

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    Sec. 1. Salaries shall be as follows:

    President               2 hours per month *
    Recording Secretary         3 hours per month *
    Treasurer               3 hours per month * Business Manager -
    Financial Secretary      a weekly salary equal to 40 times the
    straight  time  hourly  rate  for  General Foreman plus 10%.

    Assistant Business Manager     a weekly salary equal to 40 times the
    straight  time  hourly  rate  for  General Foreman.

    Business Agent/ Organizer      a weekly salary equal to 40 times the
    straight time hourly rate for Forman.

    * at the Journeyman Wireman straight time hourly rate of pay.

    Sec. 2. Should any two (2) offices be combined, then the officer shall receive the salary of only 
    one (1) office, whichever is the higher.

    Sec. 3. Receipts, vouchers, or other reasonable proof of claim shall support all disbursements for 
    authorized expenditures made on behalf of the Local Union.

    Sec. 4. (a) The Business Manager, Assistant Business Manager, Business Agent and Organizer shall be 
    provided fringe benefits as and to the extent provided for in the Inside Agreement.

    (b) The Business Manager, Assistant Business Manager, and Organizer shall be furnished a medium 
    priced, full sized car.

    (c) The Business Manager, Assistant Business Manager, Organizer, and Business Agent shall be 
    reimbursed for all expenses while performing the duties of the office.

    Sec. 5. Members of the Election Board, when required to serve between the hours of 7:00 am and 4:30 
    pm, shall be compensated at the Journeyman’s straight time hourly rate, not to exceed eight hours.

    Sec. 6.  Any officer whose presence is requested by the Business Manager for Local Union business, 
    shall be compensated for any time lost at the Journeyman’s straight time hourly rate, not to exceed 
    eight hours per day.

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    Committees and Delegates

    Sec. 1. Committees and delegates shall be appointed in accordance with Article XVII of the I.B.E.W. 

    Sec. 2. The delegates and alternates to the International Convention shall be nominated and elected 
    in accordance with the nomination and secret ballot election procedure as set forth in these bylaws 
    and Article II, Section 10 of the I.B.E.W. Constitution.

    Sec. 3. The Business Manager shall, by virtue of the office, serve as a delegate to the 
    International Convention.

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    Sec. 1. Stewards shall be appointed where needed by the Business Manager. They shall work under the 
    direction of the Business Manager and be subject to his/her authority. The Business Manager may 
    remove any Steward, as such, at any time.

    Sec. 2. Duties of Stewards shall be:

    (a) To have a copy of the I.B.E.W. Constitution, these bylaws and the working agreement with them 
    at all times.

    (b) To see that Union membership is encouraged and all workers at their respective shop or jobs 
    have paid-up dues receipts or valid working cards of the Local Union.

    (c) To report any encroachment upon the jurisdiction of the Local Union.

    (d) To report to the Business Manager any violation of the bylaws or agreements.

    (e) To perform such other duties as may be assigned to them by the Business Manager.

    Sec. 3. Stewards shall in no case cause a stoppage of work. In case of any trouble on a job or at a 
    shop, Stewards shall immediately notify the Business Manager.

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    Assessments - Admission Fees - Dues

    Sec. 1. All assessments imposed in accordance with the I.B.E.W. Constitution and these bylaws must 
    be paid within the time required to protect the member’s continuous good standing and benefits.

    Members of other I.B.E.W. Local Unions employed in the jurisdiction of this Local Union shall pay 
    applicable working dues as provided in these bylaws.

    Members shall not be required to pay assessments for welfare benefits in which they cannot 

    Sec. 2. No money shall be collected from anyone working within the jurisdiction of this Local Union 
    other than to apply on admission fees, dues and assessments established in accordance with the 
    I.B.E.W. Constitution and these bylaws.

    Sec. 3. The admission fees shall be:

    (a)  “A” Membership

    Journeyman Wireman    $100.00
    Apprentice Wireman     $50.00
    Residential Wireman     $25.00
    Residential Trainee      $10.00

    “A” or “BA” Membership

    Maintenance classification   $25.00 Teledata Technician      $25.00

    (b) Each applicant for “A” membership shall pay an additional $2.00.

    (c) Approval of these admission fees is given by the International President with the understanding 
    that if conditions in the jurisdiction of the Local Union do not justify such fees, then the 
    International President will be free to change the amounts.

    Sec. 4. All applications must be accompanied by ten percent (10%) or more of the admission fee. 
    Full payment (satisfactory arrangements may be made with the Executive Board) and admission must be 
    completed within ninety (90) days of making application, in accordance with Article XX of the 
    I.B.E.W. Constitution.

    Sec. 5. (a) Upon becoming a Journeyman, an Apprentice shall pay any difference in admission fee 
    between Journeyman and Apprentice prevailing at the time he became an apprentice.

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    (b) Upon becoming a Residential Wireman, a Residential Apprentice (or Trainee) shall pay any 
    difference in admission fee between Residential Wireman and Residential Apprentice (or Trainee) 
    prevailing at the time he/she became a Residential Apprentice (or Trainee).

    Sec. 6. Dues and per capita are payable quarterly in advance. Sec. 7. The monthly dues shall be:
    (a)   “A” Members        Basic Dues      Working Dues

    All Construction
    Classifications     $0.50      plus  4% of gross wages Teledata classifications    $0.50      plus  
    4% of gross wages Maintenance classification  $0.50
    (b) Applicable International payments and all assessments shall be paid in addition to the above 

    (c) Unemployed members and members working outside the jurisdiction of Local Union #490 shall pay 
    Basic Dues only.

    (d) All members of the I.B.E.W. shall pay Working Dues as provided for above when working in the 
    jurisdiction of Local Union #490.

    (e) Basic dues and International payments are payable quarterly in advance.

    (f) Working Dues for the preceding month are due and payable not later than the regular meeting 
    night of the month following the period worked.

    (g) All members working within specific classification shall pay working dues of that 

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    Sec. 1. The funds of this Local Union are for the legitimate expenses required in its conduct and 
    maintenance and shall not be diverted there from. Disbursements shall be made in accordance with 
    Article XVIII of the I.B.E.W. Constitution and these bylaws.

    Sec. 2. No money shall be loaned from the funds of this Local Union for any purpose, unless 
    approved by the International President for the I.B.E.W.

    Sec. 3. The President shall appoint an auditing committee of three (3) members (or the President or 
    the Executive Board, as the Local Union decides, shall employ a public accountant or a combination 
    of quarterly audits by the Auditing Committee and a yearly audit by a public accountant) to audit 
    the books and accounts of the Local Union every three (3) months. A report of the audit must be 
    made to the membership. The President shall inspect the bankbooks of the Treasurer to insure Local 
    Union moneys received by the Treasurer have been properly and promptly deposited in the Local 
    Union’s name. The fiscal year shall be the twelve-month period ending April 30.

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    Admission of Members

    Sec. 1. Qualification and admission of members shall be in accordance with Articles XIX and XX of 
    the I.B.E.W. Constitution.

    Sec. 2. Apprentices may be accepted into membership at any time; however, after having worked one 
    (1) year under the supervision of jurisdiction of this Local Union, they shall be admitted to 
    membership in accordance with Article XV of the I.B.E.W. Constitution.

    Sec. 3. (a) Instruction of apprentices shall be under the supervision of the apprenticeship 
    committee, and apprentices shall attend such classes as directed by the committee.

    (b) The above provision shall not apply to apprentices where the Local is a party to a Joint 
    Apprenticeship and Training Committee (JATC) when provided for in an agreement with the employer. 
    The decision(s) of such joint committee shall be accepted by the Local Union.

    (c) An Apprentice having been certified by the JATC as having successfully completed the prescribed 
    apprenticeship program shall be immediately classified as a journeyman without further examination 
    by the Local Union.

    Sec. 4. (a) A Residential Wireman or Residential Trainee shall be admitted into the Union under 
    these classifications after thirty (30) days of employment and shall work on residential wiring 

    (b) A Residential Wireman may request to take the prescribed course of study to be eligible to 
    become a Journeyman Wireman. Upon satisfactory completion of the prescribed course of study and of 
    the difference in admission fees prevailing at the time he/she became a Residential Wireman, the 
    member shall have his/her classification changed to Journeyman Wireman without further examination 
    by the Local Union.

    (c) Residential Trainees shall be so classified and shall be registered and under the instruction 
    and supervision of the Training Committee as provided for in an agreement with the employer.

    (d) The Residential Wireman and the Residential Trainees shall be made aware of and agree to these 
    provisions prior to admission into the Union.

    Sec. 5. (a) A Teledata Technician shall be admitted into the Union under this classification after 
    thirty (30) days of employment and shall work only on that work which is encompassed within the 
    scope of the I.B.E.W. Teledata Agreement.

    (b) Teledata Technicians desiring change of classification and employment status as such within the 
    Local Union are subject to the same qualifications criteria as detailed in Section 1 through 4 of 
    this Article.

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    Pierce Street School Corporation

    Sec. 1. Members in good standing of Local Union #490 shall also be members in good standing of 
    Pierce Street School Corporation.

    Sec. 2. To promote and carry out the aims and interests of the Local Union, no corporate real 
    property shall be sold, leased, encumbered, or disposed of, nor shall any property be purchased or 
    otherwise acquired except by a majority vote of the members present and voting.

    Sec. 3. All members of the Local Union shall be notified in writing of the nature of the Resolution 
    of the announced intention at least ten (10) before the date of the meeting. Said resolution shall 
    then be read at such regular or specially called meeting. The Local Union shall then notify the 
    Board of Directors of the Pierce Street School Corporation of the action.

    Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the President of Pierce Street School Corporation to see that a 
    complete Financial Statement of the Pierce Street School Corporation is prepared for presentation 
    to the first regular meeting of the Local Union following the regular annual members meeting of 
    Pierce Street School Corporation.

    Sec. 5. The Local Union Officers including all members of the Local Union Executive Board shall 
    constitute the Board of Directors of Pierce Street School Corporation. Upon expiration of their 
    terms as Local Union Officers, or upon their resignation or removal, their duly elected or 
    appointed successors shall become directors of Pierce Street School Corporation.

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    General Laws

    Sec. 1. The Executive Board shall act as the Trial Board to hear charges and try members (except 
    officers or representatives of a Local Union, Railroad Council, or System Council) for violation of 
    the I.B.E.W. Constitution, these bylaws, or an approved working agreement. All charges against a 
    member must be in writing and signed, specifying the provision(s) of the Constitution, bylaws, or 
    working agreement allegedly violated. A brief factual written statement of the act(s) considered to 
    be in violation, including relevant dates, places and names, should be given by the charging party. 
    A copy of the charges must be furnished to the accused by the Recording Secretary with notice of 
    when to appear before the Trial Board.

    Sec. 2. A charged member may, upon request, have an I.B.E.W. member in good standing as Counsel. 
    However, no lawyer, as such may serve as Counsel in a hearing of the Trial Board. No person not a 
    member of the I.B.E.W. may be present at such hearing, except as a witness.

    If the accused fails to appear after having been notified in writing to appear, the Trial Board 
    shall hear and determine the case just as though the accused were present. When a member files 
    charges against another member and fails to appear before the Trial Board to prosecute the case, 
    unless reasonable excuse is given, he/she shall be subject to discipline by the Trial Board.

    Sec. 3. A majority vote of the Trial Board shall be sufficient for a decision, which is to be in 
    writing. The Trial Board report of its findings and sentence, if any, shall be reported to the next 
    regular meeting of the Local Union. The action of the Trial Board shall be considered the action of 
    the Local Union, and the report of the Board shall conclude the case.

    Sec. 4. All financial obligations (including but not limited to fines, assessments, and unpaid dues 
    and fees) owed by a member under the IBEW Constitution or the bylaws of this Local Union shall 
    constitute debts owed by the member to the IBEW or the Local Union, and may be recovered through 
    court action brought by the IBEW or the Local Union. If it is necessary for the Local to institute 
    legal proceedings in order to recover any such debt, the individual member shall also be liable for 
    all costs of said proceedings, together with a reasonable attorney’s fee incurred by the Local, the 
    amount thereof to be fixed by the Court.

    Sec. 5. Each member shall keep the Financial Secretary informed of his or her correct address. The 
    Financial Secretary, in turn, shall notify the International Secretary- Treasurer.

    Sec. 6. The parliamentary rules of this Local Union shall be those stated in Article XV of the 
    I.B.E.W. Constitution.

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    Sec. 7. The I.B.E.W. Constitution is hereby made a part of these bylaws. Where there is doubt about 
    any section of these bylaws or where such might appear to be in conflict with the I.B.E.W 
    Constitution, then the I.B.E.W. Constitution shall control and must be followed.

    Sec. 8. Words in these bylaws in the masculine gender shall include the feminine.

    Sec. 9. Members shall be supplied with copies of the I.B.E.W. Constitution, these bylaws, and the 
    working agreement upon request to the Local Union.

    Sec. 10. The handling of jobs for unemployed members shall be under the full supervision and 
    direction of the Business Manager. The Business Manager shall devise such means as are considered 
    practical and fair in the distribution of available jobs to qualified members. Members shall not 
    violate such established rules or plans.

    Sec. 11. Members shall show their working cards or receipts upon request.

    Sec. 12. The Local Union may spend a sum, as determined by the Executive Board, for a suitable 
    tribute upon the death of a member or the spouse of a member. A committee may also be appointed to 
    extend the sympathy of the Local Union to the family of any deceased member.

    Sec. 13. Resignation - A member who wishes to resign from the Local must submit the resignation in 
    writing to the Local Union, and it shall become effective upon receipt by the Local Union.

    The Local Union shall acknowledge receipt of the resignation and shall advise the member in writing 
    that all rights and/or benefits are forfeited upon the effective date of the resignation.

    The above procedure shall also apply to a member on a Participating Withdrawal Card except that the 
    resignation is to be submitted in writing to the International Secretary for processing.

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    Sec. 1. These bylaws shall become effective upon approval by the International President.

    Sec. 2. (a) These bylaws may be amended or changed by any such proposal being submitted in writing 
    and read at two (2) regular meetings of the Local Union, and decided at the second meeting by a 
    majority vote of the members present and voting.

    (b) Assessments, admission fees, or dues shall be changed only by a majority vote by secret ballot 
    of the members in good standing voting at a regular or special membership meeting.

    Changes shall be introduced at one Local Union meeting and acted upon at a second Local Union 
    meeting. The proposal cannot be acted on at the time it was proposed. A written notice specifically 
    stating the proposed assessments or changes in admission fees or dues shall be mailed to each 
    member in good standing at the member’s last known home address at least twenty (20) days prior to 
    the Local Union meeting at which the membership is to vote on the question.

    Sec. 3. No assessments, amendments, or changes shall become effective until approved by the 
    International President, in accordance with the I.B.E.W. Constitution.

    IBEW Local Union 490 Bylaws                         Approved: June 17, 2022

    Page 19

    IBEW Local Union 490 Bylaws                         Approved: June 17, 2022
    Page 20
    District: Second                    Location: Dover, New Hampshire
    Bylaws Retyped in Entirety: December 8, 2005

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DATE 
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
    5/07/90    Art III, Sec. 5 (b) added; Art VII, Sec. 1 revised.
    5/31/98    Art VII, Sec. 1 revised; Art VII, Sec. 4 revised. Art X, Sec. 6 revised. 3/04/04    Art 
    X, Sec. 6 revised.
    12/8/05    Updated Constitutional Arts and changed mandatory Category I language. 1/11/16    Art 
    VII, Sec. 1 amended; Art. VII, Sec. 6 added.
    3/13/18    Art. VII, Sec.’s 1, 4(a), 4(b) and 6 amended. Art. VII, Sec. 4(c) added. 6/17/22         

    Page Last Updated: Sep 12, 2022 (09:49:46)
  • IBEW Local 490

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